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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Norbury Village Hall, Norbury, Nr Bishops Castle. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


63.1    The Chair welcomed Councillor Ian Nellins, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Natural Assets & Green Economy, Shropshire Council, Adrian Cooper, Climate Change Team Manager, Shropshire Council, Dan Wrench, Climate and Carbon Project Officer, Shropshire Council, Jane Cullen, Chair, South Shropshire Climate Action, Nick Read, Joint Project Co-Ordinator, South Shropshire Climate Action and Fiona Morgan, Joint Project Co-Ordinator, South Shropshire Climate Action who would be contributing to the Climate Change agenda item and Jennifer Engwell who was the new officer representative from Telford and Wrekin Council


63.2    Apologies for absence had been received from Pete Banford, Hilary Claytonsmith, Charles Edwards, Rob Harris, Sue Lee, John Long, Dan Morris, Cecilia Motley, Gillian Preece, Leo Smith, Fiona Williams and Andrew Wood



Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 227 KB

The note of the meeting held on 22 March 2022 is attached for confirmation


64.1    The minutes of the meeting held on 2 March 2022 had been circulated


64.2    RESOLVED:


That the minutes of the meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership held on 22 March 2022 be approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman


64.3    By way of update the AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that the AONB Business Supporter Scheme had been agreed and would be launched shortly.


Climate Change action in the Shropshire Hills pdf icon PDF 324 KB

This main item for the meeting will include a number of presentation and discussion sessions including on National Association for AONBs collaborative work, Shropshire Council, and South Shropshire Climate Action, plus break out workshop sessions on: Land, agriculture and nature-based solutions; Planning (including renewable energy); Tourism and transport.


65.1    Members received the report of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership Manager which set out the structure and background for the Climate Change agenda item.


65.2    The Chair advised members that the NAAONB had been doing a lot of work on climate change involving small working groups and via the Lead Officers meetings and the National Conference and that a Statement of Commitment on Climate Change from AONB Chairs was recently agreed, and that with the Partnership’s agreement he proposed for the Chair to sign this at today’s meeting.




            That the Chairman sign the Statement of Commitment from AONB Chairs on Climate Action.


65.3    Members received a presentation from the AONB Partnership Manager which gave a background to the issues around climate change both nationally and within the AONB.


65.4    Members received a presentation from Councillor Ian Nellins, Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Natural Assets & Green Economy, Adrian Cooper, Climate Change Team Manager, and Dan Wrench, Climate and Carbon Project Officer, Shropshire Council, which gave an update of the work Shropshire Council was doing to address climate change issues.


65.5    Members received a presentation from Jane Cullen, Chair, Nick Read, Joint Project Co-Ordinator, and Fiona Morgan, Joint Project Co-Ordinator, South Shropshire Climate Action which updated them on the work being carried out following the publication of ‘Next steps: A Climate Action Plan for the Ludlow Constituency to reach Net Zero by 2030’.


65.6    Following the presentations Members participated in “break out” groups looking at


·         Land, agriculture, and nature-based solutions

·         Planning including renewable energy

·         Tourism and transport


Members were advised that discussion would feed into the development of a “draft climate action plan” for the AONB Partnership which would be brought to the next meeting of the Partnership.



Implementation of the Glover Review of Designated Landscapes - update pdf icon PDF 107 KB

This paper provides members an update on government and NAAONB activity around implementation of the Landscapes Review.


66.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave an update on government and NAAONB activity around implementation of the Landscapes Review.


66.2    The AONB Partnership Manager commented that the government response to the review was mixed, with some parts being implemented but others such as increasing resources for AONBs proving more difficult. He added that some of the measures proposed would need legislation before they could be enacted.


66.3    The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that AONBs had recently received a 3 year financial settlement from Defra which provided a 14.7% increase in core funding for 2022-23 (over the base budget for 2021-22) which equated to an additional £29k, but with no increase in the subsequent two years.



Likely one year delay to AONB Management Plan review pdf icon PDF 105 KB

This paper informs members of a likely national move to delay the review of the AONB Management Plans by a year in order to align better with strategic plans and programmes at a national level.


67.1    Members receive the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which informed them of a likely move to delay the review of the AONB Management Plan by one year in order to align better with strategic plans and programmes and a national level.


67.2    The AONB Partnership Manager advised the meeting that subsequent to the publishing of the papers for the meeting a letter had been received from Lord Benyon confirming the ability for AONB Partnerships to delay the review of management plans and commented that he felt that it would be wise to do this.  He added that a report would be brought to a future meeting regarding this.



AONB Team - Work Programme Update pdf icon PDF 242 KB

This paper provides members with an update of recent work by the AONB Team.


68.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided an update of recent work by the AONB Team.


68.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that this was a standard report which was brought to the meeting for information and that detailed oversight of the team’s work was carried out by the Strategy & Performance Committee.



Appointment of Partnership Member


69.1    The AONB Partnership Manager informed the meeting that there was currently one vacancy on the Partnership and that an application had been received from South Shropshire Climate Action to join the Partnership.  He added that Nick Read would be their representative.


69.2    RESOLVED:


            That South Shropshire Climate Action become a member of the Partnership.



Date of Next Meeting

Members are reminded that the next meeting of the Partnership will be held on  8th November 2022 at 9.30am



70.1    Members were reminded that  the  next  meeting of the Partnership  will be held on 8th November 2022 at 9.30am


70.2    Members were also reminded of the forthcoming tour on Tuesday 26th July


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