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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shropshire Room, Craven Arms Community Centre, Newington Way, Craven Arms, Shropshire, SY7 9PS. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


71.1    In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair Cecilia Motley took the chair and welcomed everyone to the meeting.


71.2    Apologies for absence had been received from Pete Banford, Jim Bunce, Alison Caffyn, Alex Carson Taylor, Pete Carty, Charles Edwards, Sue Lee, John Luck and Dan Morris.


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 238 KB

The note of the meeting held on 12 July 2022 is attached for confirmation


72.1    The Committee Officer pointed out one amendment to the minutes in that Alison MacDonald’s name had been omitted from the list of attendees.


72.2    RESOLVED:


            That subject to the above the minutes of the meeting of the AONB Partnership held on 12 July be approved as a true record.


Shropshire Hills AONB Trust update and trustee nomination pdf icon PDF 117 KB

This paper gives members an update on recent activity of the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust including launch of the Business Supporters Scheme, and seeks confirmation of a trustee nomination from the Partnership.


73.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which updated them on recent activity of the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust and proposed that George Chancellor be nominated as a trustee from the Partnership.


73.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the Charity had eight trustees, three of which were nominated by the Partnership.  He advised that there was currently a vacancy for such a trustee and that it was proposed that George Chancellor be nominated.




            That George Chancellor be appointed as a Partnership Trustee on the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust.


73.3    Mr Chancellor thanked the Partnership and gave a brief update on the work of the Trust.  He stated that currently the Trust currently raised in the region of £15,000 for the Conservation Fund but that Trustees were looking to expand this and were setting a target of £30,000.  He asked all members of the Partnership to encourage people to join the “Friends of the Shropshire Hills” and to encourage local businesses to join the newly launched Business Supporters Scheme.


73.4    Mr Chancellor advised the meeting that there was currently a vacancy for a trustee from outside the Partnership and asked that if anyone knew of a person that may be interested they should let the AONB Partnership Manager know.



Draft AONB Partnership Climate Change Action Plan pdf icon PDF 721 KB

This paper provides a draft Climate Change Action Plan for the AONB Partnership.


74.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which set out a draft Climate Change Action Plan for the AONB Partnership.


74.2    The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the national statement of commitment from AONB Chairs on Climate Action which had been signed at the last meeting, contained a commitment to develop a local climate action plan for the AONB, and that the attached draft had been developed following the discussion at the workshops held at the last meeting, discussion at the Strategy and Performance Committee, and discussion with other groups.  He invited comments from members and stated that further comments could be submitted to him outside of the meeting.


74.5    Members generally welcomed the plan and made the following comments: -


·         Role for the Partnership as a pressure group to encourage change and good practice and to act as an exemplar.

·         Need for more integrated policy on housing – local plan not strong enough in encouraging new builds to be climate friendly


74.6    It was agreed that a small working group be set up to look the subject of climate change, and especially communications.  Several members expressed an interest in joining the group.



Our Upland Commons Project pdf icon PDF 96 KB

This paper gives members an update on the Our Upland Commons project operating in the Shropshire Hills AONB and other areas.  The paper is in support of a presentation which will be made at the meeting by Renee Wallace, project officer for the Shropshire Hills.

Additional documents:


75.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave an update on the ‘Our Upland Commons’ project operating in the Shropshire Hills AONB and other areas.


75.2    The meeting received a presentation from Renee Wallace, project officer for the Shropshire Hills which gave a brief overview of the project and updated members on some of the work that had been carried out.  She then took questions.



Stepping Stones Project Update and Sustainability pdf icon PDF 355 KB

This paper gives members a further update on the Stepping Stones Project including recent project delivery and current work on a Sustainability roadmap and Needs Assessment. This is in support of presentations which will be made at the meeting by Andrew Hearle and Anam Choudhury of the National Trust.


76.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave an update on the Stepping Stones project including recent project delivery and current work on a Sustainability Roadmap and Needs Assessment.


76.2    The meeting received a presentation from Andrew Hearle, project manager which gave a brief overview of the project and updated members on some of the work that had been carried out. 


76.3    The meeting received a presentation from Anam Choudhury, which outlined work being carried out on future sustainability of the work which included the carrying out of a needs assessment to inform the future work that was required to sustain the Stepping Stones activities, identify needs, and to help when seeking funding.




Farming in Protected Landscapes - Showcase of Project Activity pdf icon PDF 105 KB

This paper provides some summary information about the programme, in support of the  presentation which will be made at the meeting by Alison Jones.


77.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave an update on projects supported by the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme.


77.2    The meeting received a presentation from Alison Jones, Farming in Protected Landscapes Adviser which gave members more details on some of the projects which had been funded, and some of the projects that were currently being developed.  She also updated the meeting on some of the work that had been carried out to increase awareness of the programme.



AONB Team Activity Brief Update pdf icon PDF 178 KB

This paper gives members an update on recent activity of the AONB team.


77.1    Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which gave an update on projects supported by the Farming in Protected Landscapes programme.


77.2    The meeting received a presentation from Alison Jones, Farming in Protected Landscapes Adviser which gave members more details on some of the projects which had been funded, and some of the projects that were currently being developed.  She also updated the meeting on some of the work that had been carried out to increase awareness of the programme.



Dates of Future Meetings


79.1    Members were advised that future meeting would be held on the following dates: -


            Thursday 23rd March 2023

Thursday 20th July 2023

Thursday 23rd November 2023


All meeting at 9.30am


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