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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Amanda Holyoak  Committee Officer

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Substitutions


Apologies were received from Councillors Tracey Huffer, Simon Jones, Peggy Mullock and Peter Nutting.  Councillor Paul Wynn substituted for Simon Jones and Councillor Roger Evans substituted for Tracey Huffer.


Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


Mr Jones informed the meeting that he was employed by Shropshire Community Health Trust and Mrs Shineton informed the meeting that she was a Member of Health Concern.



Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 December 2014 pdf icon PDF 46 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2014 as a correct record


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 2014 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 


Public Question Time

Tor receive any questions, statements or petitions of which members of the public have given notice.  Deadline for notification is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 4 February 2015


There were no public questions. 


Member Question Time

To receive any questions of which Members of the Council have given notice.  Deadlien for notification is 4.00 pm on Wednesday 4 February 2015.


A question had been submitted by Councillor Pam Moseley regarding the reputation of the Council following a notice published by the Ombudsman in the Shropshire Star, and about complaint procedures.  (a copy is attached to the signed minutes).  It was agreed to address this at agenda item 8 as it linked with a request for an item to be added to the Committee’s work programme. 


Adult Social Care Annual Account pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider what the Council has achieved, what challenges lie ahead and what areas will be the focus for improvement.  A report is attached.


Contact:  Stephen Chandler, Director of Adult Services, 01743 253704

Additional documents:


The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care introduced the Adult Social Care Account for Shropshire 2013 – 2014 and explained that it was designed to provide a snapshot of the past year, and outline the challenges expected in the coming year.  (A copy of the report is attached to the signed minutes).


Jon Hancock, the Co-Chairman of the Making It Real Board, reported that he and the Making It Real Board had encouraged a different, lighter approach to the Annual Account in order to demonstrate performance in adult social care using real life stories and people.  The report was designed to be more accessible and interesting to read than previous versions, was user-focussed, and highlighted the quality aspects of services provided, rather than focusing solely on quantitative information.   


In response to questions from Members of the Committee arising from the account and from the national performance measures included within it, officers explained that:


·       There were two measures related to the proportion of adult social care users in employment and Shropshire Council was either the best or second best in the West Midlands and in the top 5% in the country. 

·       The drop in 2013-2014 figures regarding proportion of service users who found it easy to find information had been addressed through improved information available online and the commissioning of an information, advice and advocacy service.  The 2013 – 14 figures did not reflect the position now that the First Point of Contact had been established and there was confidence that the 2014/15 would show improvement.

·       Loneliness had been clearly linked with poor health and work was being undertaken to identify people who were at risk of this as part of resilient communities work. 

·       Community resources were being utilised within the New Operating Model and the GUSTO project was now a mainstream activity delivered by the Community Council.

·       Let’s Talk local meetings were held at 18 different localities on a weekly or fortnightly basis and provided an opportunity for people to plan to meet their needs in community buildings, in recognised communities.  18 was not a fixed number and might increase in future. 

·       Where appropriate technologies would be used to help meet people’s needs but this was being implemented carefully and slowly on a sustained basis.

·       The IT support capital budget being rolled forward to next year related to the re-tender of the Care First system, not the use of assistive technology which was still being rolled out as planned.

·       Shropshire spent the lowest amount of money on over 65s in the country with a good variety in the market place utilising the voluntary and business sectors.   

In response to further questions from Members about the location of Let’s Talk meetings, and the distance people might be required to travel to attend one, officers explained that locations did vary, although they tended to be held in Market Towns.  The majority of calls were concluded successfully through the First Point of Contact but if that was not possible a visit to the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.


Day Services Update pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider current day service opportunities – successes and challenges to date, and comment on outstanding action needed.  A report is to follow from the Head of Social Care Efficiency & Improvement. 


Maggie Allan from Bradbury Day Care Centre has been invited to the meeting to talk about the Centre following a Provider Change and answer any questions.


Members who have visited Avalon Day Opportunities in Oswestry and met with Service Users who have experienced change will report on their findings and Healthwatch will also provide information on service user satisfaction.

Additional documents:


Members considered a report (copy attached to the signed minutes) which provided an update on changes made to the Council’s in house provided day services between 2012 and 2015 and the outcomes for service users who were previously supported by the Council in day services. 


Discussion covered disappointing levels of interest from independent providers in taking on Day Services.  A helpful session had been held with providers recently to identify the reasons for this. 


The Committee were informed of the ‘Safe Places’ initiative which had been launched to support vulnerable people in the community.  Members suggested that publicity around ‘Safe Places’ be revisited to ensure the public was aware of the service and familiar with the logo.


Members drew attention to the absence of Safe Places in the Cleobury Mortimer, Bishop’s Castle and south west Shropshire areas and the Head of Social Care Improvement and Efficiency said she would look into this.  Officers referred to discussions with the Mayfair Centre regarding provision of an outreach service in Bishop’s Castle.  The Committee asked that all Members with a relevant geographical link be involved in such discussions. 


Another Member drew attention to the Butcher Row toilets in Shrewsbury which included the county’s first publicly funded disabled changing places and had been provided by Shrewsbury Town Council.  She also suggested that similar facilities in Day Centres should be promoted. 


The Healthwatch representative had considered the comments received by Healthwatch in relation to day services.  Healthwatch were able to make enter and view visits and had identified some impact of reduced access to day services in the context of lack of regular social contact.  Some service users had expressed regret that they were no longer able to see each other in the social setting of a day centre.  It was suggested that the qualitative information gathered by Healthwatch be incorporated in any future discussions around social contact. 


The Chairman and Councillor Moseley reported on a visit that they had made to the Avalon in Oswestry which provided day opportunities for clients with a Learning Disability.  A variety of activities were offered including gardening, walking, swimming and horse riding as well as activities in the building itself. Councillor Moseley reported on the good quality of the building and the pleasant, calm ambience with some listening to music and chatting and some participating in craft and other activities.  She had felt that it had looked underused but realised that some were participating in activities away from the building.  The cost was £57 day and she had heard that some people did not attend any more due to the cost.    


The Chairman reported that Maggie Allan, from the Bradbury Day Centre was unfortunately unable to attend the meeting as planned to report on what had been a great success story in Whitchurch.


Officers acknowledged concerns related to social isolation and also the need to reduce reliance on an institutional type building.  Learning from tender exercises would be taken on board.


Members from rural electoral divisions pointed out  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.


Proposals for Committee Work Programme pdf icon PDF 46 KB

A request has been received from Councillor Heather Kidd to scrutinise the learning points from Adult Social Care complaints and Ombudsman reports.  The Committee is asked if it wishes to add this item to the proposed work programme (attached)


To assist, a briefing paper on complaints and ombudsman reports is attached, along with guiding questions for use when considering potential work programme items.


Additional documents:


The Member question was taken at this point as it related to a request to add an item to the Committee’s work programme.  A copy of the question and the response from the Director of Adult Social Care is attached to the signed minutes. The question related to recent criticism from the Local Government Ombudsman of the Council following a finding of maladministration in April 2013.  The request for an addition to the work programme was to scrutinise the learning points stemming from Adult Social Care complaints and Ombudsman reports. 


The Committee was referred to the key points in the Complaints Analysis report provided (a copy is attached to the signed minutes). Learning points had been identified in a number of areas and action taken to address these.  The Performance and Design Team Leader explained that providing any more detailed information around specific complaints raised the risk of identification of complainants. 


It was suggested that a further report be made in June or July as this timing would allow consideration of the end of year position and whether complaints had reduced in the areas where learning had been identified and action taken.  It would also allow triangulation of information with that provided by others, eg, Healthwatch, the Health and Wellbeing Board, and CCG, and also how Shropshire compared with other authorities.   The Performance and Design Team Leader highlighted the role of scrutiny in identification of service issues and understanding the relationship between commissioning decisions and performance information. 


A Member drew attention to telephone assessments and emphasised the need for assessors to research conditions, particularly fluctuating conditions, before embarking on an assessment.  The Director confirmed that he would act on this feedback.


For the 30 March meeting of the Committee, Members agreed that it would be useful to look at the overall impact of all transformation activity on service users in addition to more information around the context of the performance data presented in the annual account.  The proposals for other meetings were noted. 





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