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Agenda and minutes

Venue: Clee St Margaret Village Hall, Nr Ludlow, SY7 9DT. View directions

Contact: Tim Ward  Committee Officer

No. Item


Welcome and Apologies for Absence

To receive apologies for absence


1.1         The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the arrangements for the Annual Tour which would follow the meeting.


1.2         Apologies for absence had been received from Gill Binks (Caring for Gods Acre), Veronica Cossons (Shropshire Wildlife Trust), Paul Davis (Shropshire Hills Tourism), Carol Griffiths (NFU), Bill Klemperer (Historic England), John Long (Individual Member), Hazel McDowall (Natural England), David McGlade (Offa’s Dyke Association), John Pritchard (Parish Council rep), Martin Pye (Parish Council Rep), Chris Turley (T & W Council) and Andrew Wood (Independent Member).


Minutes of the last meeting pdf icon PDF 73 KB

The note of the meeting held on 5 March 2019 is attached for confirmation


2.1       The minutes of the last meeting held on 5 March 2019 had been circulated.


2.2       Resolved:


That the minutes of the meeting of the AONB Partnership held on 5 March 2019 be approved as a true record.


Brief Updates pdf icon PDF 110 KB

Report to Follow


3.1       The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided brief updates on matters of relevance to the Partnership.


3.2       The AONB Partnership Manager reminded the meeting that the AONB Management Plan and revised Terms of Reference would need to be approved by both Shropshire Council and Telford and Wrekin Council and that reports would be taken to the relevant Cabinets in June and July.


3.3       The AONB Partnership Manager advised members that the biennial membership review would be carried out later in the summer and clarified the process that would be followed.


3.4       The AONB Partnership Manager informed the meeting that the Leader, Chief Executive and Director of Place would be visiting the AONB office to learn more about the work that the team were doing.


Capacity Building Project - AONB Partnership Draft Business Plan and Skills Audit pdf icon PDF 63 KB

This paper provides Partnership members the draft of a Business Plan to guide future activity, and a skills audit for members, as part of our Capacity Building project.


Appendix 1 is to follow

Additional documents:


4.1       The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided Members with the draft of a business plan to guide future activity and a skills audit for members.


4.2       The AONB Partnership Manager advised members that the draft business plan had been developed following two facilitated workshops involving both the AONB Team and the Partnership’s Strategy and Performance Committee.  He commented that the Plan focussed on the activity of the Team, but the Partnership itself also had an important role in the influencing and delivery model of the AONB structure and that this should be recognised in the Plan. 


4.3       Cllr Tindall stated that he was a member of the South Planning Committee and that he felt that if the AONB Partnership was made a statutory planning consultee, it would enable a more in-depth response to be given.  He felt that whilst the majority of the applications within the AONB were not controversial, where they were, this would enhance recognition of the AONB.  The AONB Partnership Manager reminded members that the NAAONB was campaigning for statutory consultee status for AONB organisations.  The Chairman commented that there would be a resource implication for the AONB Partnership if this were to happen.


4.4       Mr Hughes commented that young people could be engaged through climate change, there was local interest in planting trees and something could go in the Parish newsletter.


4.5       Ms Johnson commented that there may be funding available through the LEP as the ’Net Gain’ was developed.  The AONB Partnership Manager commented that the Marches Nature Partnership had been successful in forming better links with the LEP.


4.6       The AONB Partnership Manager urged all Members to complete the Skills Audit.


Capacity Building Project - Shropshire Hills AONB Trust Draft Business Plan and support sought from Partnership Members pdf icon PDF 69 KB

This paper provides for the information of Partnership Members the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust’s Business Plan and explores areas of joint working and ways that Partnership members may be able to support the Trust

Additional documents:


5.1       Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which set out the Business Plan of the Shropshire Hills AONB Trust and set out areas of joint working and ways that Partnership members may be able to support the Trust.


5.2       Mr Anthony Morgan, Chair of the AONB Trust reminded members that the Trust was a charity independent of the AONB Partnership, but the two bodies were linked as the Partnership nominated trustees to the Trust.


5.3       Mr Morgan commented that the Trust needed more volunteers specially to help with fund raising and help to increase the membership of the Friends of the AONB.  Suggestions were made about the ‘Fix the Fort’ appeal for Caer Caradoc.


5.4       Resolved:

a)    That the AONB Partnership note the AONB Trust’s Business Plan and its priorities and


b)    That George Chancellor and Veronica Cossons be reappointed as nominated trustees




'Unmuddying the Waters' Project pdf icon PDF 65 KB

This paper outlines the planned delivery by the AONB team for the next two years of the Environment Agency’s ‘Unmuddying the Waters’ project in the Clun catchment.


6.1       Members received the report of the Clun Catchment Officer which outlined the planned delivery of the Environment Agency’s “Unmuddying the Waters” project in the Clun catchment.


6.2       Members were advised that a two-year funding agreement had been made with the Environment Agency to fund Alison Jones as the Clun Catchment Officer and that alongside this there was a capital works budget for the project.  The aims and objectives of the project were then outlined to members.


6.3       Members welcomed the project.



Water Environment Grant - 'Teme Onny Clun' Project pdf icon PDF 72 KB

This paper provides some background on the new joint ‘Teme-Onny-Clun’ project between the AONB Partnership and the Severn Rivers Trust.


7.1       Members received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided background on the joint “Teme-Onny-Clun” project between the AONB Partnership and the Severn Rivers Trust.


7.2       Mike Morris, CEO Severn Rivers Trust, thanked the AONB Partnership for their support for their project and outlined the aims of the project.


7.3       Members welcomed the project and commented that it was a good example of how the AONB Partnership could work with other organisations to deliver national funding locally.


Judicial Review regarding the Implementation of the Habitats Directive, River Clun SAC pdf icon PDF 63 KB

This paper provides some background on the national Judicial Review case affecting the River Clun SAC.


8.1       Paul Hayward from Environment Agency had been unavailable and it was agreed that this item would be deferred to the next meeting.


Ironbridge Power Station Site Redevelopment Masterplan Consultation pdf icon PDF 74 KB

This paper provides some background for discussion on the proposed redevelopment of the Ironbridge power station site, to support an AONB Partnership response to the current consultation on the Masterplan recently released.


9.1       The meeting received the report of the AONB Partnership Manager which provided background on the proposed redevelopment of the Ironbridge Power Station site.


9.2       The AONB Partnership Manager reminded members that after a large amount of site clearance the proposals included a mixed development including around 1,000 houses and that a large part of the land earmarked for the housing was agricultural land to the west of the brownfield site.


9.3       Mr Turner expressed concern about the impact on the surrounding area during the development of the site as the impact of the extra vehicular traffic could lead to rat-running on unsuitable minor roads.  There were two planning applications expected for the site.


9.4       Ms Claytonsmith commented that she had attended one of the stakeholder events and that it appeared that the proposals had been presented as a fait accompli.  She also expressed concern regarding the impact of additional traffic on the area and commented that it was “the right project in the wrong place”.


9.5       A discussion took place regarding the proposals and the AONB Partnership Manager thanked members for their contribution and stated that he would include their comments in the AONB Partnership’s response to the consultation and liaise with other organisations.



Date of Next Meeting

Members are advised that the next meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership will be held on 8th October 2019 at 9.30am


10.1    Members were advised that the next meeting of the Shropshire Hills AONB Partnership would be held on Tuesday 8 October 2019 at 9.30am


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