Roy Aldcroft
Title: Deputy Portfolio Holder - Climate change, Environment and Transport. Deputy Portfolio Holder - Culture and Digital Chair - Strategic Licencing Committee
Party: Conservative
Division: Market Drayton East
More information about this councillor
Contact information
Correspondence address:
c/o Members Secretariat
Abbey Foregate
Mobile: 07890056153
Download Roy Aldcroft contact details as VCard
Committee appointments
- Council
- Economy and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)Shropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)Shropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- Licensing Act Sub-Committee
- Northern Planning Committee (Substitute)Shropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- People Overview and Scrutiny CommitteeShropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- Southern Planning Committee (Substitute)
- Strategic Licensing Committee (Chairman)
- Transformation and Improvement Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Substitute)Shropshire Council - Market Drayton East
Terms of Office
- 09/05/2017 - 10/05/2021
- 11/05/2021 -
Appointments to outside bodies
- Market Drayton: Sir Rowland Hill's Grammar School FoundationShropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- Shropshire and Telford and Wrekin Fire AuthorityShropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- The Market Drayton Sports Association LtdShropshire Council - Market Drayton East
- West Mercia Police and Crime Panel (Substitute)Shropshire Council - Market Drayton East