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Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate

Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Shrewsbury Room, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND. View directions

Contact: Amanda Holyoak  Senior Democratic Services Officer


No. Item


Apologies for Absence



Apologies were received from Councillors Rob Gittins and Richard Marshall.


Disclosable Interests

Members are reminded that they must declare their disclosable pecuniary interests and other registrable or non-registrable interests in any matter being considered at the meeting as set out in Appendix B of the Members’ Code of Conduct and consider if they should leave the room prior to the item being considered. Further advice can be sought from the Monitoring Officer in advance of the meeting.


None were declared


Minutes pdf icon PDF 294 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2022






That the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 7 September 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.


Scrutiny Items

The Chair of the Place Overview Committee will attend the meeting to report on the Committee’s consideration, on 29 September 2022, of a report on Creating and Delivering a Waste Minimisation Strategy




To note the report provided by the Chair of the Place Overview Committee on the committee’s discussions at its meeting on 29 September 2022 regarding the proposals for a Waste Management Strategy, and also the request for a response from Cabinet in relation to the recommendations of the Signs and Banners Task and Finish Group




Waste Minimisation Strategy

Councillor Joyce Barrow, Chair of the Place Overview Committee, joined the meeting and updated Cabinet on the discussions of the Committee at its meeting on 29 September on proposals to develop a waste minimisation strategy.  The Committee had supported unanimously the principle of a Waste Minimisation Strategy, however there were proposals in the report members had disagreed on, including proposals to charge for green waste and recruit two new members of staff to produce and put into action the new strategy.  She outlined the discussions which had taken place on these issues and asked that Cabinet take them into account in future decision making.


The Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Climate Change, Environment and Transport thanked the committee for its thoughts and input and emphasised all options remained under consideration.  The feedback of the committee would be taken into account in future reports. 


Signs and Banners Task and Finish Group

The Chair also reminded Cabinet that recommendations made within the Signs and Banners Task and Finish Group review had not yet received a response from Cabinet.  The Leader apologised and said she would arrange for the new Portfolio Holder for Highways and Regulatory Services to provide a response.




To note the report provided by the Chair of the Place Overview Committee on the committee’s discussions at its meeting on 29 September 2022 regarding the proposals for a Waste Management Strategy, and also the request for a response from Cabinet in relation to the recommendations of the Signs and Banners Task and Finish Group.


Public Question Time

To receive any questions from members of the public, notice of which has been given in accordance with Procedure Rule 14.  Deadline for notification is not later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 13 October 2022.


There were no public questions


Member Question Time pdf icon PDF 354 KB

To receive any questions from Members of the Council.  Deadline for notification is not later than 5.00 pm on Thursday 13 October 2022.

Additional documents:


Member questions were received from the following:


Councillor Rob Wilson in relation to Active Travel England.  By way of a supplementary question he asked if in the light of national uncertainty, whether Shropshire Council remained independently committed to the government target of 50% of journeys being walked and cycled by 2030 and whether it would use its own capital funding to achieve that aim rather than relying on funding from Active Travel England.  The Deputy Leader confirmed a commitment to progress this as much as possible, within funding capability. 


Councillor David Vasmer in relation to fracking in Shropshire.  Responding to a supplementary question about a blanket rejection of fracking in the county, and whether a supplementary SPD could be established, the Leader said she could not respond to this question as every planning application needed to be decided on its merits without pre-determination. 


Councillor Roger Evans in relation to Shrewsbury North West Relief Road costs.  Responding to a supplementary question Councillor Dean Carroll (on behalf of the Portfolio Holder for Highways and Regulatory Services) confirmed the figure on spend up to end of 21/22 that had been provided in the response for current expenditure and that further info on spend in the current financial year would form part of the business case that would come forward at a later date.


Councillor Peggy Mullock in relation to the Cost of Living Crisis.  In responding, the Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources thanked the Social Task Force Group and all the partner organisations for the substantial amount of work undertaken to date.


Kate Halliday – in relation to the proposed health and wellbeing hub in Shrewsbury.


Councillor Julia Buckley in relation to closure of highways depots in Bridgnorth and Hodnet.  Responding to a supplementary question on behalf of Councillor Marshall, Councillor Carroll said that to his knowledge the Bridgnorth site would not yet have been valued as a decision to dispose of the site had not yet been made.


The full text of the questions and written answers provided are available from the web page for the meeting:  Member Questions Cabinet 19 Oct 22


Scrutiny Items

Report from Place Overview Committee is attached


Draft Housing Allocations Policy and Scheme pdf icon PDF 739 KB

Lead Members – Councillor Simon Jones – Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Public Health and Councillor Dean Carroll – Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place








To approve the draft policy and scheme, set out in Appendix I.



Councillor Dean Carroll, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration, reported that the Draft Strategy and Policy gave greater emphasis to needs of local communities.  The draft had been out to consultation and some minor amendments had been made to reflect feedback received.    He confirmed that re-registration would be available both digitally and on paper and that a right of appeal for bandings would remain in place.




To approve the draft policy and scheme, set out in Appendix I.



Draft Tenancy Strategy and Policy for Consultation pdf icon PDF 879 KB


Lead Member – Councillor Dean Carroll – Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place




To approve that both the draft Tenancy Strategy and the draft Tenancy Policy, be subject to an eight-week public consultation period, and for this to include formal consultation with all Private Registered Providers currently operating in Shropshire.



Councillor Dean Carroll, Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration, introduced the draft Strategy and Policy which would go out to consultation shortly.


In response to a question, it was agreed to provide clarification at to whether the numbers in housing priority need within the report included Ukrainian refugees.  It was confirmed that the Council continued to do as much as it could to facilitate comfortable resettlement of those from Ukraine and members thanked the Head of Housing, Resettlement and Independent Living for regular updates on how to respond to enquiries.  It was suggested that the draft strategy and policy might be considered at a scrutiny committee before finalisation. 




To approve that both the draft Tenancy Strategy and the draft Tenancy Policy, be subject to an eight-week public consultation period, and for this to include formal consultation with all Private Registered Providers currently operating in Shropshire.



Adult Social Care Debt Recovery Policy pdf icon PDF 314 KB

Additional documents:




To approve the new policy for Debt Collection of Adult Social Care Debts set out in Appendix A.





Councillor Gwilym Butler, Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources introduced the report. A fair and consistent view was required for debt enforcement, assisting more vulnerable groups in society to manage repayments for care.    Responding to a question he explained that use of debt recovery agents were only used as a last resort in ‘can pay won’t pay’ cases, and that he would look into any reports of intimidatory behaviour personally.  He emphasised that anyone experiencing council debt problems should be encouraged to make early contact with the council. 




To approve the new policy for Debt Collection of Adult Social Care Debts set out in Appendix A.





Annual Customer Feedback (Complaints) Report 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 191 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Rob Gittins – Portfolio Holder for Culture and Digital


Report of James Walton, Executive Director of Resources

Additional documents:




To consider the recommendations and actions in the draft Annual Customer Feedback Report to support and improve robust customer feedback performance


To recommend approval and publication of the draft Annual Customer Feedback Report 2021/22 (Appendix 1) on the council’s website




The Leader presented the key messages set out in the report on behalf of the Portfolio Holder for Culture and Digital and passed on his thanks to staff involved in the council’s feedback process.

She agreed to pass questions on to the Portfolio Holder related to the LGCO recommendation regarding prioritisation of complaints in terms of visibility and capacity (para 8.9 refers), and also requesting a breakdown of complaints across the geography of the county for future reports.  Responding to a question regarding matters raised by MPs, she explained that MPs had different approaches and she encouraged them all to raise issues with local members in the first instance.




To consider the recommendations and actions in the draft Annual Customer Feedback Report to support and improve robust customer feedback performance


To recommend approval and publication of the draft Annual Customer Feedback Report 2021/22 (Appendix 1) on the council’s website


Financial Strategy Mid-Year Review pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Additional documents:




To note the factors affecting the estimated funding gap in 2023/24 and the steps proposed to close that gap and thereby set a balanced budget for next year.



The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources introduced the report, referring to the massive challenge now faced by all councils.   Preparation was underway for the changes needed to see Shropshire Council through the financial storm, some challenge would be unpalatable but would be needed to place the council on a sustainable financial footing and enable delivery of the Shropshire Plan.  Updates would be provided regularly to ensure maximum transparency on the funding situation. 


He reported a typographical error at paragraph 2.4 of the report, where the figure £37.8 m should read as £35.7m


Responding to questions in relation to inflationary pressures, tactical budget work, options under consideration and lobbying activity, he explained that Assistant Directors were were currently working on proposals and options which were to be shared shortly with Cabinet members.


A meeting was scheduled with Shropshire MPs at the end of the week where Cabinet members would ensure full understanding of the issues and challenges.  Going forward, proposals would be available by December as part of the budget review.  The Peer Review Challenge working plan would also be available shortly.  Cabinet members were clear that the Council was in control of its own destiny and could not rely on central government.




To note the factors affecting the estimated funding gap in 2023/24 and the steps proposed to close that gap and thereby set a balanced budget for next year.



Business Rates Review pdf icon PDF 160 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Gwilym Butler – Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources


Report of James Walton, Executive Director of Resources


Additional documents:




To approve continuation of the business rate discretionary rate relief and council tax discretionary discounts policy as set out in Appendix A for 2023-24 onwards with a commitment to review in three years’ time


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Corporate Resources introduced the report explaining that no changes were recommended to the Policy. 




To approve continuation of the business rate discretionary rate relief and council tax discretionary discounts policy as set out in Appendix A for 2023-24 onwards with a commitment to review in three years’ time


School Streets pdf icon PDF 852 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Portfolio Holder for Children and Education


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place




To approve


1.1.     To approve an application for Moving Traffic Offences Powers to use ANPR cameras from the Department for Transport to launch a rolling programme of School Streets across Shropshire


1.2.     To approve an 18 month pilot of 6 School Streets across Shropshire to include full monitoring and evaluation using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). This pilot will include full monitoring and evaluation for 1 year where a decision will be made whether to amend the scheme, make it permanent or withdraw the scheme.


1.3.     To approve that on receipt of the full report findings of the 6 pilot schools, a paper to be presented to cabinet with final recommendations.


1.4.     To approve that any surplus arising from enforcement of School Streets be reinvested back into the School Streets project to enable the continued rollout across the county.




Lead Member – Councillor Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Portfolio Holder for Children and Education, introduced the report and thanked the School Travel Plan Co-ordinator for her efforts in bringing six School Street pilots to fruition across Shropshire to include full monitoring and evaluation using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order.


A member asked if CIL could be used to fund such schemes and the Leader endeavoured to look into this. 




1.1.     To approve an application for Moving Traffic Offences Powers to use ANPR cameras from the Department for Transport to launch a rolling programme of School Streets across Shropshire


1.2.     To approve an 18 month pilot of 6 School Streets across Shropshire to include full monitoring and evaluation using an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO). This pilot will include full monitoring and evaluation for 1 year where a decision will be made whether to amend the scheme, make it permanent or withdraw the scheme.


1.3.     To approve that on receipt of the full report findings of the 6 pilot schools, a paper to be presented to cabinet with final recommendations.


1.4.     To approve that any surplus arising from enforcement of School Streets be reinvested back into the School Streets project to enable the continued rollout across the county.




Highway Depot Closures pdf icon PDF 782 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Richard Marshall – Portfolio Holder for Highways and Regulatory Services


Report of Mark Barrow – Executive Director of Place




To note the formal closure of the highways depots at Hodnet and Bridgnorth.


To declare as surplus to Highways requirements the Bridgnorth and Hodnet depots; delegating authority to the Head of Property and Development to agree and complete repurposing, redevelopment or disposal of the assets as appropriate.




Councillor Dean Carroll - Portfolio Holder for Growth and Regeneration, presented the report on behalf of Councillor Richard Marshall – Portfolio Holder for Highways and Regulatory Services.  He reminded members of the background to the report, and that since the depots had been closed the service had been monitoring the performance metrics of the highways team across the county and on an area by area basis.  The analysis had concluded that there had not been any drop off in service compared to before the depots were closed and to other areas of the county.    


A local member questioned the nature of the performance measures used in reaching this conclusion and requested that the depots remain open to prevent a negative impact on those living in the east of the county.  Councillor Carroll reported that the Council’s maintenance contractor had made it clear that they would be able to deliver a better service from three depot locations, not five.  Both he and the Leader reiterated that it was not feasible to spend over £2m a year on facilities that were not needed in the face of financial pressures faced by the Council and the need to deliver the Shropshire Plan.   




To note the formal closure of the highways depots at Hodnet and Bridgnorth.


To declare as surplus to Highways requirements the Bridgnorth and Hodnet depots; delegating authority to the Head of Property and Development to agree and complete repurposing, redevelopment or disposal of the assets as appropriate.



Community Asset Transfer Policy Update 2022 pdf icon PDF 275 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Cecilia Motley, Portfolio Holder for Health (ICS) and Communities


Report of Mark Barrow, Executive Director of Place





To approve the proposed update to the Community Asset Transfer policy as laid out in the appendix.




Councillor Cecilia Motley, Portfolio Holder for Health (ICS) and Communities explained that the policy had been updated to provide greater clarity on requirements and remove information not required in the policy document.





To approve the proposed update to the Community Asset Transfer policy as laid out in the appendix.




NHS Shropshire Telford and Wrekin Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 717 KB

Lead Member – Councillor Cecilia Motley, Portfolio Holder for Health (Integrated Care System) and Communities – TO FOLLOW


Report of Rachel Robinson, Executive Director of Health, Wellbeing and Public Health

Additional documents:




To endorse the nomination of Chief Executive of Shropshire Council as a voting member of the ICB.  

To note that the Leader (or Cabinet Lead as Deputy) will be invited to ICB meetings as a non-voting participant member of the ICB.

To agree to the establishment of a joint committee known as the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Partnership and approve the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 1 to this Report.

To agree to the appointment of the Leader as the Co-chair and voting member of the ICP representing Shropshire Council.

To agree to the appointment of the Cabinet Lead as a voting member of the ICP representing Shropshire Council.

To note that the interim ICP Terms of Reference currently provide that the ICP will appoint the following additional members from Shropshire Council as members of the ICP:


Agree to the appointment of the Leader as the Co-chair and voting member of the ICP representing Shropshire Council.

• Chief Executive of Shropshire Council

• Executive Director of Public Health for Shropshire

Executive Director of Children’s and Adult’s Services for Shropshire

• Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Shropshire


Councillor Cecilia Motley, Portfolio Holder for Health (Integrated Care System) and Communities, presented a report outlining the NHS governance changes establishing an Integrated Care System in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin.  The Integrated Care Partnership had been established and had agreed its governance arrangements and terms of reference and she asked Cabinet to endorse these and to also endorse the nomination of the Chief Executive as a voting member of the Integrated Care Board.




To endorse the nomination of Chief Executive of Shropshire Council as a voting member of the ICB.  

To note that the Leader (or Cabinet Lead as Deputy) will be invited to ICB meetings as a non-voting participant member of the ICB.

To agree to the establishment of a joint committee known as the Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Partnership and approve the Terms of Reference as set out in Appendix 1 to this Report.

To agree to the appointment of the Leader as the Co-chair and voting member of the ICP representing Shropshire Council.

To agree to the appointment of the Cabinet Lead as a voting member of the ICP representing Shropshire Council.

To note that the interim ICP Terms of Reference currently provide that the ICP will appoint the following additional members from Shropshire Council as members of the ICP:


Agree to the appointment of the Leader as the Co-chair and voting member of the ICP representing Shropshire Council.

• Chief Executive of Shropshire Council

• Executive Director of Public Health for Shropshire

Executive Director of Children’s and Adult’s Services for Shropshire

• Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board for Shropshire


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