Mile End Roundabout Improvements Consultation
- Period: 24 September 2019 - 01 November 2019
- Status: Closed
- Audiences: Everyone
- Topics: Traffic management
- Type: Public
This consultation aims to tell you more about proposed improvements to Mile End roundabout in Oswestry, and to gather people’s views before a planning application for the work is submitted.
Under the plans, a new second roundabout would be constructed on land owned by Shropshire Council – the Oswestry Innovation Park site – and then be connected to the existing strategic road network on the A5 and A483, therefore minimising the disruption to the network during the construction phase.
Subject to planning permission, work to construct the new ‘dumbbell’ roundabout could begin in July 2020 and be completed by March 2022.
The planning application is due to be submitted in December 2019, before a final design is published in June 2020.
The preferred design option for Mile End has been agreed in principle through ongoing discussions with Highways England and is based on detailed traffic modelling work to assess future traffic requirements.
Please look at the information attached to the ‘Proposal’ page, then have your say on the proposed improvements by completing our online survey.
You can also attend a consultation event being held at Mile End Golf Club on Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 September from 11am to 8pm each day
The proposals and a questionnaire will also be available to view at Oswestry Library from 2 October to 1 November.
An additional meeting is also being arranged with parish and town councils, to give them the opportunity to comment and ask questions.