Five year housing land supply statement
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires Local Authorities to boost the supply of housing. To help do this, Local Authorities are also required to identify and annually review their housing land supply. The purpose of this assessment is to consider whether there are sufficient deliverable sites within a Local Authority area to allow for provision of five years’ worth of housing (plus an appropriate buffer).
The Shropshire Council Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement for 2024 sets out our assessment of the housing land supply in Shropshire over the five year period from 2024/25 to 2028/29.
As the strategic policies which establish the housing requirement in the adopted Development Plan are more than five years old, this assessment is undertaken in the context of local housing need. Government’s new ‘standard methodology’ for assessing local housing need has resulted in a significant increase to need in Shropshire from 1,070 dwellings per annum to 1,994 dwellings. The assessment of housing land supply has been undertaken using a cautious and robust methodology, which has given due regard to government guidance.
In conclusion the assessment demonstrates that Shropshire currently has 4.73 years supply of deliverable housing land. Consequently, on balance of considerations the Council considers it is currently unable to demonstrate a five year housing land supply.