Shropshire Council

Customer feedback

Shropshire Council values all forms of feedback and we use the information from compliments, comments and complaints to inform our service development and improvement. Please complete the form as fully as possible to help us better understand the issues you wish to raise.

Data Protection

Shropshire Council will use the data you provide for the purpose of processing your complaint, compliment or comment. Your personal details will be retained in line with our complaints procedures and our data retention periods. Your personal information will only be shared with other parties with your permission and will not be used for any other purpose.


Although we record comments and compliments we do not always acknowledge them. However, we do aim to acknowledge statutory complaints (those relating to social care services and support) within 3 working days and corporate complaints (other Council services) within 5 working days. When we acknowledge complaints we will confirm the procedure under which your complaint will be investigated, the timescale you can expect your complaint to be investigated within and, if possible, we will provide the name and role of the investigating officer.

About you
Contact details

About them

Unless you have power of attorney, we will need to obtain consent from the person you are making a complaint on behalf of before we can formally investigate.

Please provide name of the person you are representing

Their address