We need you! We're always looking for volunteers to work on festivals and events across Shropshire, giving you valuable hands-on experience in the following roles and more...
- Set prep, for example helping to construct a structure or sculpture
- Visitor services - information and marketing assistant
- Admin, including event preparation
- Runner for production manager or event manager
- General crowd control
- Production, technical and stage management
- Procession participant
- Yellow jacket steward for crowd, staff and safety
Without your help and support it would be very hard to put on events. We appreciate your donation of time, and will make the experience as personally rewarding for you as we can.
If you're interested in becoming a volunteer, please complete and return our 'Voluntary Help at Shropshire Council' form and return it to Festivals Officer, Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND, or email us via the contact details on this page.
Your details will be entered onto a database, and we'll contact you when volunteering opportunities arise. Your details will be held by Shropshire Council only, and won't be shared or disclosed to other organisations. You'll be covered by Shropshire Council's public liability insurance whilst working as a volunteer.
We look forward to working with you in the future.