Shropshire Council

St John the Baptist Church, Whittington

    1. Castle Street, Whittington, Shropshire, SY11 4DF
  • 01691 674948
Opens Closes
Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday 9am - 4pm
Sunday 9am - 4pm

Our church is a large grade 1 listed building which is heated and kept warm all of the time. We have a disabled access toilet and facilities to make hot drinks and an area at the back that has chairs and tables for people to sit and chat.

We have a drop in on a Monday morning called CAMEO - Come And Meet Each Other from 10:30am to midday.

Please note that this venue is not managed by Shropshire Council. Please contact the venue direct for further information.


  • Disabled toiletsDisabled toilets


  • Baby changing facilitiesBaby changing facilities
  • Public toiletsPublic toilets