Shropshire Council

Cost of living checklist

Key things that could help if you or someone you know is struggling with day to day living costs

Many people in Shropshire are worried about the rising cost of living. There are three key things we want everyone to know:

  • If you or someone you know is worried about money or struggling right now, you're not alone. Many people in Shropshire are worried about rising living costs
  • There may be steps you can take. We've brought together this list which may help your situation
  • If you're getting into debt or your mental health is suffering, don’t wait to get help. Help is available at any stage. See below to find out who to contact for support

Key resources

Follow the steps below to ensure that you're doing all you can to get your household through the cost of living crisis with as little hardship as possible...


Step 1: can you maximise your income?


Step 2: can you cut your costs?


Step 3: borrow money safely and get support with debt


Step 4: mental health