Travelling by train
You can get regular, direct trains to Shrewsbury from various places around the country. The railway station in Shrewsbury is approximately 20 minutes walk away from Shirehall. If you prefer, you can take a taxi from the station there is a taxi rank at the train station.
The bus station is a three minute walk from the train station:
- Walk to the very top corner of the train station car park (the traffic lights should be on your right)
- Cross the road and walk down the pavement (on the left side of the road) in front of you
- You will come to a set of traffic lights and you will see the bus station
Take a look at our route map for more information.
Travelling by bus from Shrewsbury town bus station
A bus runs every 15 minutes from the bus station past Shirehall. There's a bus stop right outside. Buses run in both directions, and numbers/destinations are as follows:
8 |
Sutton Road, Shrewsbury |
81 |
Wellington |
X5 |
Telford |
436 |
Bridgnorth |
96 |
Ironbridge |
Take a look at the Traveline Midlands website for bus times.
Car parking at Shirehall
Visitor parking spaces at Shirehall are limited. When entering Shirehall from Abbey Foregate, there are two visitor parking areas:
- Short stay (one hour) on the right as you drive into Shirehall.
- Long stay at the rear of the car park on the left (before you bear right into the main staff area of the car park at the back of the building).
Take a look at our map for more information.
Motorcycle parking at Shirehall
There are motorcycle spaces to the left of the attendant's office in the short stay section of the car park (on the right as you enter Shirehall).