Shropshire Council

Need to talk to someone?

Service contact details

Service Contact details
General enquiries 0345 678 9000
Bins and recycling 0345 678 9007
Building control
Blue badge 0345 678 9014
Business rates Log in online or fill out our form
0345 678 9002
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8.45am - 5pm
Wednesday and Friday: 1pm - 5pm 
Concerns for a vulnerable adult and Adult Social care 0345 678 9044
Concerns for the welfare of a child/children's social care or early help support 0345 678 9021
Council tax Log in online or fill out our form
0345 678 9002
Opening hours
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 8:45am - 5pm
Wednesday and Friday: 1pm - 5pm
Elections and voting 0345 678 9015
Housing (private sector rented housing)
0345 678 9005
Housing benefit 0345 678 9002
Opening hours
Monday and Thursday: 8:45am - 5pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: 1pm - 5pm
Parking Services, costs, permits, fines 0345 678 9019
Planning 0345 678 9004 (Planning)
Registrars 0345 678 9016
School admissions, free school meals and school transport 0345 678 9008
Streets, roads and transport 0345 678 9006
(this is also for out of hours service)
Trading Standards - all contact is via Citizens Advice Consumer Service CACS helpline: 0808 223 1133
Welfare Support Team – to apply for help through local welfare provision  

0345 678 9078

Welfare support pages