Adult social complaints FAQs
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An entity claiming to be called ‘Eco Save’ has been calling people in Shropshire claiming that it's ‘working with Shropshire Council to provide free replacement windows'. This is a scam.
Use the information on this page to find the answers to some frequently asked questions about making complaints relating to adult social care services.
Who can make a complaint?
- The person who receives the service (the service user)
- Someone acting on behalf of the service user with their consent
- A friend or relative may make a complaint on behalf of a service user, (with the service users consent) if the service user does not have the capacity to make their own decisions.
Who can help me make a complaint?
You can ask a friend or relative, a local councillor or an MP to speak to us on your behalf, or if you prefer you can ask us to put you in contact with an independent Organisation such as Citizens Advice Bureau, Age UK or we can help you with your complaint.
If you want to complain in person but have a disability that prevents you from doing so, we can arrange to visit you to gather the details of your complaint, or can telephone you to talk about the best way we can help you complain.
What can I complain about?
The sort of things you may want to comment or complain about might be:
- If you receive a poor quality service - including services we have arranged but are delivered by an independent care provider
- Our staff’s attitude or behaviour
- Your assessment, care plan, or review of your services, such as our eligibility criteria (conditions)
- The charge you pay for your service and how we have assessed it
- Any service adult social care provides
What should I expect if I complain?
If you have any concerns that cannot be resolved straightaway - this would usually mean within 24 hours - we will:
- Acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days.
- Discuss with you:
- What you are unhappy about
- What you would like to see happen as a result of you would your complaint
- How your complaint will be investigated
- How long it will take to complete
- Keep you informed if the investigation takes longer than originally agreed
- Keep in touch with you and check you are happy with the outcome
- Provide you with a final response in writing
You are welcome to have a friend or relative to help you with your complaint or
if you prefer, you can ask us to put you in touch with an organisation, independent of the Council to support you.
What happens if I'm not satisfied with the manager’s response to my complaint?
If you are not happy with the manager’s response to your complaint, you should contact the Complaints Officer straight away. We will discuss why you are still dissatisfied and what else you think should be done to put things right.
We will then discuss your concerns with the service manager responsible for that service and look at what was said in the reply to your complaint.
We can suggest a meeting with the service manager to talk over your concerns, or ask another manager to review your complaint and the response you have received.
If after the review you are still not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint you may approach the Local Government Ombudsman who will investigate your complaint.
How do I complain about an Independent provider?
If you receive a service which is provided on the council’s behalf by a voluntary or independent provider you should make your complaint in the first instance to their local manager. If you feel unable to do this you can contact their Shropshire Council’s Complaints Team, who will make a complaint on your behalf.
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from the independent provider you can request that your complaint be looked at under Shropshire Council’s formal complaints procedure.
How do I complain about a jointly provided service?
If your complaint is about services jointly provided by Adult Social Care and the NHS. We will liaise with the NHS (with your permission) to ensure that you receive a comprehensive reply which responds to all the issues you have raised in relation to both organisations. We will tell you who the key contact will be, which organisation will be responsible for providing you with the joint response and a date for when you will receive a response by.
How do I complain about home care agencies and residential care homes?
All registered care providers should have their own complaints procedure as required by the Care Quality Commission. If your complaint is about a home care agency, or a private residential care home, which adult social care services have commissioned we will send your complaint to the registered manager asking them to respond to you directly.
The provider is responsible for dealing with your complaint, but we will monitor their response. However if we are unaware of your complaint and you remain dissatisfied with how the provider has handled your complaint please contact Shropshire Council’s Complaints Team.
How do I report a concern about a vulnerable adult
Take a look at our concerned about someone page.
Will my complaint be confidential?
Regardless of how you contact us, your confidentiality is paramount and if we need to share your information with any partners or outside organisations we will seek your consent first.
Where can I get more information?
Shropshire council, customer care and involvement, complaints
Shropshire Council's Feedback and Insight Team:
Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
The local government ombudsman
PO Box 4771,Coventry, CV4 0EH
Tel: 0300 061 0614
Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin
Advice hotline: 01743 233 123
Shrewsbury Office: 3 Mardol Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY1 1PR
Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
Tel: 01743 233 123
Telford Office: Meeting Point House Southwater Square, Telford Town Centre, TF3 4HS Monday - Friday 9.30am - 1.30pm
Tel: 01952 201 803 Information line: 01952 216 018
North Shropshire Office: Unit 2, 12 St Mary's Street, Whitchurch, SY13 1QY
Tuesday - Friday 9am - 1pm
Tel: 01948 665 317
A4u Advocacy and Advice Service
Disability Advice Centre, The Guildhall, Frankwell Quay, Shrewsbury, SY3 8HQ
Monday & Tuesday 10am - 1pm and Wednesday 10am - 12noon
Care Quality Commission
National Customer Service Centre: CQC National Customer Service Centre, Citygate, Gallowgate, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4PA
Monday to Friday 8.30am and 5:30pm
Tel: 03000 616161 Fax: 03000 616171
Royal Exchange Buildings, St Ann’s Square, Manchester, M2 7LA
Tel: 08456 40 40 40
Shropshire rcc
Shropshire Carers’ Support Service
Tel: 01743 341995