Shropshire Council

Bishop’s Castle – Church Street – road hump

  • Period: 26 July 2024 - 16 August 2024
  • Status: Open
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Traffic management
  • Type: Public

Title of scheme

Bishop’s Castle – Church Street – road hump


Church Street, Bishop’s Castle

Consultation begins

26 July 2024

Consultation ends

16 August 2024



Notice is hereby given that Shropshire Council, in exercise of their powers under Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police, propose to establish the following traffic calming measures on Church Street, Bishop’s Castle. These measures will improve pedestrian movements and connectivity in the town centre, while enacting a traffic calming provision. The raised table will slow the travelling speeds of any approaching motorised vehicles.

Flat-top Road Hump (maximum height 100mm)

A flat-top road hump will be constructed at the following location: outside property number 30a, Church Street, Bishop’s Castle. It will commence from a point 6 metres in a northerly direction from the new Give Way markings at the junction with B4385 Church Street/B4385 Station Street/U6147 Union Street, and extend for a total length of 6-metres, concluding at a point 12-metres in a northerly direction from the new Give Way markings at the junction with B4385 Church Street/B4385 Station Street/U6147 Union Street.

26 July 2024


A relevant plan may be inspected at Bishop’s Castle Library, Enterprise House, Station Road, Bishop’s Castle. Alternatively, you may request copies by:

If you wish to make representations about the traffic calming measures, or raise an objection, express support, or make any other comments about the speed limit proposals, please send us an e-mail or letter by 16 August 2024 (contact details as above). You may also ring the above phone number for more information.



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