Shropshire Council

Bishop’s Castle – various streets – parking restrictions

  • Period: 26 July 2024 - 16 August 2024
  • Status: Open
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Traffic management
  • Type: Public

Title of scheme

Bishop’s Castle – various streets – parking restrictions


To improve road safety and visibility at B4385 Station Street’s junction of U6177 Salop Street, it is the intention to implement two lengths of Prohibition of Waiting At Any Time (“Double-Yellow Line”) restrictions.

To improve access and parking provision for registered Blue Badge holders, it is proposed to implement three dedicated Disabled Parking Bays in the centre of Bishops Castle.


Church Street, High Street, Market Square, and Salop Street – Bishop’s Castle

Consultation begins

26 July 2024

Consultation ends

16 August 2024



Shropshire Council proposes to make the following changes to parking restrictions in Bishop’s Castle:

No Waiting At Any Time

U6177 Salop Street (southern side) - a length of 36 metres in a north-westerly direction from its junction with B4385 Station Road to the commencement of the access for the Three Tuns Brewery.

U6177 Salop Street (northern side) – a length of 54 metres in a north-westerly direction from its junction with B4385 Station Road to the commencement of the existing Limited Waiting (“Single-Yellow Line”) restrictions.

Disabled Parking Bays

C6979 Market Square – proposed installation of a Disabled Parking Bay to commence from existing Limited Waiting (‘Single-Yellow Line’) restriction and conclude outside property numbers 9 / 11.

U6979 High Street – proposed installation of a Disabled Parking Bay to be installed outside the Town Hall, adjacent to property numbers 35 – 37 High Street.

U6979 Church Street – proposed installation of a Disabled Parking Bay to be installed outside the Pharmacy on Church Street.

26 July 2024


Full details of these proposals may be viewed at Bishop’s Castle Library, Enterprise House, Station Road, Bishop’s Castle. Alternatively, you may request copies by:

If you wish to make representations about the traffic calming measures, or raise an objection, express support, or make any other comments about the speed limit proposals, please send us an e-mail or letter by 16 August 2024 (contact details as above). You may also ring the above phone number for more information.

Please note that, for legal reasons, objections must be made in writing or by e-mail, and should state the grounds on which the objection is made. Objections cannot be accepted over the phone.



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