Shropshire Council

Changes to on-street pay & display charges

  • Period: 24 March 2022 - 20 May 2022
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Traffic management
  • Type: Public

Title of scheme

Changes to On-Street Pay & Display Charges


Shropshire Council is proposing to make changes to its on-street Pay & Display charges at Ludlow within the red and blue zones, Mereside, Ellesmere, and in Shrewsbury

Charges have not increased since 2018 and so require adjustment for inflation over this period. The pricing structure needs to enable payment with coins, and to facilitate the linear pricing structure for customers. This will assist in control and management of the available parking places and help protect the use of the facility.



Ellesmere, Ludlow, and Shrewsbury

Consultation begins

24 March 2022

Consultation ends

20 May 2022



Shropshire Council proposes to make the following changes to its on-street Pay & Display charges:

Town Current charges (per hour) Proposed charges (per hour)
Ellesmere – Mereside £1.00 £1.20
Ludlow (Red Zone) £1.80 £2.00
Ludlow (Blue Zone) £0.70 £0.80
Shrewsbury £2.40 £2.80

24 March 2022

(Data Protection: Please note that representations received may be reproduced, stored, copied and published on-line in connection with the processing of the (proposed) Order and/or any Inquiry. Information will not be used for additional purposes without consent. Representations without a name and address will be treated as anonymous, which may affect their weight in the decision making process. Any details published on-line will exclude individuals email addresses and phone numbers.)

Proposals implemented in full on 31 October 2022.

If you would like to see full details of these proposals, you may request copies by:

- emailing:
- writing to: Traffic Engineering Team, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
- or by calling 0345 678 9006.

If you wish to raise an objection, express support, or make any other comments about these proposals, please send us an e-mail or letter by 20 May 2022 (contact details as above). You may also ring the above phone number for more information.

Please note that, for legal reasons, objections must be made in writing or by email, and should state the grounds on which the objection is made. Objections cannot be accepted over the phone.

Data protection

Information collected in our surveys will only be used by us (Shropshire Council) to inform the immediate and future provision of our services. The information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy. It will not be shared outside of Shropshire Council. Information collected via our online surveys (hosted on the Surveymonkey website) will be stored on SurveyMonkey’s servers in the United States of America and SurveyMonkey gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission.