The Shropshire Outdoor Partnerships Service is the part of Shropshire Council that maintains and develops recreational access, conserves and enhances the natural environment and encourages people to improve their wellbeing by being active outdoors.
The Service maintains and protects Public Rights of Way, Country Parks, Countryside Heritage Sites, works with lots of volunteers and delivers health initiatives such as Walking for Health and the Wild Teams.
Working with local communities across Shropshire, our priorities are to:
- Conserve and enhance the natural environment
- Improve people’s health and wellbeing
- Support the local economy
Shropshire Council manages the following Country Parks and Heritage Sites plus 5,600km of footpaths and other Rights of Way:

To help focus our activity on priorities defined by people who use our services we undertake a user satisfaction survey. The survey focuses on Rights of Way and other access routes and the Country Parks and Heritage Sites managed by Shropshire Council, as shown on the map above.
This is an annual survey, so you may well have filled out last year… please do so again!
Please take the time to complete our short questionnaire by clicking on the 'How to get involved' tab and help us to develop and improve the service. If you take part in a number of activities that make use of facilities in different ways and for which you would give different responses, e.g. for walking with friends and riding, you can fill in this survey more than once.
Our budgets to do this work are under increasing pressure and your responses will help us to identify key areas for priority in the future. The results will also help us to identify those less valued areas of the service which we could give a lower priority.
The survey should only take about 10 minutes of your time, depending on how much detail you give when answering the questions.
We'd like to hear from you, even if you don't use Shropshire Council's Rights of Way, parks, play areas or countryside sites so we can understand what the barriers to participation are.
Thank you for taking part.
If you have any comments about the survey please let us know:
The results of last year’s survey and analysis of trends over a number of years is shown on our webpages - click on the link under the related information section to visit these.
The results helped shape the activity we did in this year.