Shropshire Council

Preparing for adulthood survey

  • Period: 13 August 2024 - 31 October 2024
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Parents/carers, Professionals, Children
  • Topics: Children's services, Community and living, Family services, Health and wellbeing, Youth services
  • Type: Public

Transition from year 9 in preparation for adulthood

We'd like to hear from Shropshire resident young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from year 9 upwards, including young people who have completed their education. We would also like to gather parent carers and professional’s views.

There are three survey links below, please select the one that relates to you and complete one per person.

The survey will be open until 31 October 2024.

  1. Young people 
  2. Parent carers 
  3. Professionals 


We're working in partnership with health colleagues, the Parent Carer Council (PACC) and other professionals to review Shropshire’s ‘preparation for adulthood' process, and we'd welcome views from young people, their parent carers and professionals on their experiences of transition planning from year 9 onwards.

The Children and Families Act Code of Practice says that from year 9 young people with SEND and an education, health, and care plan (EHCP) should be supported with high aspirations for the four areas of preparation for adulthood (PfA), and helping young people understand what support is available to them as they get older.

The four areas of PfA are:

  1. Higher education and/or employment
  2. Independent living
  3. Participating in society
  4. Supporting good health in adulthood

Please note: some questions have multiple options and each option will require an answer. The following error message will be displayed if questions aren't fully completed - please complete to be able to go to the next page.

Your views are important and integral to the outcomes of this review and thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

To share your thoughts, just click on the 'How to get involved' tab.

Should you require an 'easy read' version of the survey, or would like to tell us anything else, you can email

Parent carer survey

Go to the survey »

Survey of young people

Go to the survey »

Professionals survey

Go to the survey »

Data protection

Information collected in our surveys will only be used by us (Shropshire Council) to inform the immediate and future provision of our services. The information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy. It will not be shared outside of Shropshire Council. Information collected via our online surveys (hosted on the Surveymonkey website) will be stored on SurveyMonkey’s servers in the United States of America and SurveyMonkey gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission.