Shropshire Council

Public inquiry – land west of Berrington, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 6HA

  • Period: 13 February 2024 - 12 March 2024
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Planning
  • Type: Public

A planning public inquiry appeal is taking place from 10am on Tuesday 5 March 2024, will be held in the Wilfred Owen Room at the Shirehall, Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND and is scheduled for five sitting days.

The first day, the inquiry will start at 10am and subsequent sitting days may start at 09:30am.

Inquiry sitting days are 5, 6, 7 and 8 and 12 March.

Planning application reference number: 22/04355/FUL

Draft Timetable as of 26 January 2024

Time estimates and appearances

  • inspector’s opening comments
  • appellant opening statement
  • council opening statement
  • interested parties
  • evidence in chief, Appellant, then Council – ecology and landscaping
  • round table discussion on conditions
  • closing submissions

Reason for inquiry

Appeal by ADAS against the decision made by Shropshire Council Southern Planning Committee of 9 May 2023 to refuse planning permission for the ‘Erection of an up to 30 MW Solar PV Array, comprising ground mounted solar PV panels, vehicular access, internal access tracks, landscaping and associated infrastructure, including security fencing, CCTV, client storage containers and grid connection infrastructure, including substation buildings and off-site cabling’ to the west of Berrington, Shrewsbury.

Associated documents

All documents associated with this inquiry can be found in our documents library.

The contact for appeals administration is Charlotte Pennington:

Appeal reference number: APP/L3245/W/23/3332543 (Shropshire Council Ref: 22/04355/FUL) 

The case officer contact at the Planning Inspectorate is Robert Wordsworth:

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