Shropshire Council

Shifnal walking routes

  • Period: 03 October 2024 - 18 October 2024
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Community and living, Health and wellbeing, Leisure and culture
  • Type: Public

Shifnal walking routes - footway lighting proposals

As part of the works to improve and promote walking in Shifnal, proposals have been designed and developed along a number of pedestrian routes across the town. This followed a study of pedestrian activity and existing identifiable walking routes. To encourage the use of these routes during all hours of the day, and to provide continuous safe routes, the proposals include the installation of footway lighting using LED lanterns. (Footway lighting is streetlighting lit to a footway standard rather than to a highway standard).

Old Smithfield Tunnel

Route connecting Aston Street/Aston Road with the Silvermere Park and The Grove housing estates leading to Park Street. Footway lighting works are proposed behind the Old Smithfield industrial units, through the railway arch/tunnel and on footways connecting to the south. Lighting proposals include four six-metre high columns to the north of the railway arch spaced 30m apart, three lanterns within the tunnel spaced 15m apart and four six-metre high columns to the south of the railway arch on connecting footpaths at approximately 25m apart. 

Bluebell Way Underpass

Route from Aston Road and Stanton Road connecting Bluebell Way on the Springfield housing estate (Redrow) with the Stone Drive estate (Taylor Wimpy) leading to Wolverhampton Road adjacent to the existing puffin crossing in the south. The street lighting works proposed are:

  • Across the green space off Bluebell Way to the railway arch, two columns six metres high and one column five metres high, spaced at 30m
  • Southern link from the railway arch along recently constructed footways to the south on the western edge of the housing development, 22 columns six metres high and one column five metres high connecting with Stone Drive and Mere Close, nominally spaced at 30m.

Lawton Road West

Route between Aston Street and Springfield creating an east-west route away from Aston Road where footways are narrow. This proposal also seeks to encourage vehicular access and residential parking at the rear of Aston Road properties. Proposed lighting includes eight columns five metres high spaced approximately 20 metres apart.

Lawton Road East

Route between Bluebell Way and Lamledge Lane providing a more direct east-west route parallel to Stanton Road. This proposal uses the footways along Bluebell Way leaving the section of Lawton Road which is narrow and unlit for those wishing to use it as it is. It also connects into the West Way/Weaver Grove (Countryside Homes) housing estate. Street lighting proposals include eight five-metre columns at approximately 35 metre intervals.

Church Street

In addition to the above proposals an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing point to clearly identify the route and offer pedestrians a safe place to cross is to be installed on Church Street, where highway lighting has been assessed and will be upgraded.

To have your say on these proposals, just go to the 'How to get involved' tab.


If you'd like to provide feedback on these proposals you can do so by emailing using “Shifnal Walking Routes” and the specific route in the subject line (eg Shifnal Walking Routes, Old Smithfield Tunnel).

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