Taxi fees consultation
- Period: 30 January 2017 - 26 February 2017
- Status: Closed
- Audiences: Everyone
- Topics: Licensing and applications, Transport
- Type: Public
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 Sections 53 and 70 hackney carriage proprietor’s licence and hackney carriage driver’s licence fees for zones 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and private hire vehicle licence, private hire operator’s licence and private hire vehicle driver’s licence fees.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under the above act that Shropshire Council proposes to vary the statutory permissible fees chargeable for hackney carriage, private hire vehicle and operator’s licences and drivers’ licences. The charges set out below will take effect on 27 February 2017 unless objection is made and not withdrawn.
Licence Type |
Current Fee |
Proposed 2017/18 Fee (£) |
Drivers: |
Driver’s Joint Badge New 3 year (inc. DVLA, DBS check, first knowledge test and first driver assessment) |
218.00 |
235.00 |
Driver’s Badge 3 Year Renewal (inc. DVLA and DBS check) |
190.00 |
202.00 |
Driver's Knowledge Test Resit |
53.00 |
53.00 |
Driver Badge Replacement following damage or loss |
45.00 |
45.00 |
Driver Training assessment |
23.00 |
23.00 |
Safeguarding Training |
39.00 |
39.00 |
Vehicles: |
Private Hire Vehicle - new |
142.00 |
148.00 |
Private Hire Vehicle - renewal |
164.00 |
142.00 |
Hackney Carriage Vehicle - new |
135.00 |
142.00 |
Hackney Carriage Vehicle - renewal |
152.00 |
154.00 |
Hackney Carriage Licence Transfer |
99.00 |
102.00 |
Private Hire Vehicle Licence Transfer |
107.00 |
108.00 |
Exterior plate replacement following damage or loss |
45.00 |
45.00 |
Internal plate replacement following damage or loss |
45.00 |
45.00 |
Fare Card replacement following damage or loss |
2.50 |
2.50 |
Private Hire Door Signs (pair) |
45.00 |
45.00 |
Private Hire Operators – |
Private Hire Operator – up to and including 30 vehicles and one base |
250.00 |
317.00 |
Private Hire Operator - >31 vehicles and/or more than one base |
672.00 |
676.00 |
Private Hire Operators – |
Private Hire Operator – up to and including 30 vehicles and one base |
332.00 |
253.00 |
Private Hire Operator - >30 vehicles and /or more than one base |
755.00 |
666.00 |
Additional Administrative Charges: |
License holder transfer/change of details (e.g. change of address/other minor changes) |
24.00 |
24.00 |
In accordance with Section 70 (3) (b) of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976 a copy of this notice may be inspected without payment during normal office hours at the Council’s offices at Shirehall Abbey Foregate Shrewsbury SY2 6ND, for a period of 28 days from 30 January 2017 to 26 February 2017.
Any objections to the proposed fees and charges should be made in writing and addressed to Licensing, Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND or by e-mail to by 5:00pm on 26 February 2017.
Any objections received, if not withdrawn, will be considered by the Council’s Strategic Licensing Committee on the 22 March 2017 and the fees, with or without modification, shall come into force on 1 April 2017.
Prof. Rod Thomson – Director of Public Health for Shropshire
Dated 25 January 2017
No representations received so the fees were implemented as advertised.
Any objections to the proposed fees and charges should be made in writing and addressed to Licensing, Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND or by e-mail to by 5pm on 26 February 2017.
Any objections received, if not withdrawn, will be considered by the council’s Strategic Licensing Committee on the 22 March 2017 and the fees, with or without modification, shall come into force on 1 April 2017.