Health and wellbeing
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a process by which the local authority (LA), clinical commissioning group, NHS, voluntary and community sector and other partners agree health and wellbeing needs based on clear evidence. The partners undertake joint intelligence and analysis to produce information which is then used to agree overarching priorities for action.
Index of Multiple Deprivation information on health
The purpose of this domain is to measure areas with relatively high rates of people who die prematurely, or whose quality of life is impaired by poor health or who are disabled, across the whole population. It measures:
- Years of potential life lost: An age and sex standardised measure of premature death
- Comparative illness and disability ratio: An age and sex standardised morbidity/disability ratio
- Acute morbidity: An age and sex standardised rate of emergency admission to hospital
- Mood and anxiety disorders: A composite based on the rate of adults suffering from mood and anxiety disorders, hospital episodes data, suicide mortality data and health benefits data.
Take a look at the our health deprivation information sheets and health snapshot for more information.