Emotion coaching session
A session for parents and carers to learn about and practice 'emotion coaching' techniques which will support managing behaviour and relationships.
Delivered by Dr Eleanor Tomlinson, educational psychologist.
When and where?
Friday 3 May, 10:30am – 2pm (arrival from 10am), The Lantern, Meadow Farm Drive, Harlescott, Shrewsbury SY1 4NG.
What are emotion coaching techniques?
Emotion coaching techniques equip us with the tools that can aid children in self-regulating their emotions and behaviour. They enable practitioners to create an ethos of positive learning behaviour, to have the confidence to de-escalate situations when behaviour is challenging, and to create longer-term solutions to promote
children’s wellbeing and resilience.
Who would benefit?
- Carers of looked-after children
- Kinship carers
- Parents of previously looked-after children
To book a place, please email Nicky Parker: nicky.parker@shropshire.gov.uk