Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Find out all you need to know about the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
What is CIL?
What is the Community Infrastructure Levy
What is liable for CIL?
Details of what development is liable for CIL
CIL faqs
Frequently asked questions to help you better understand CIL
CIL forms and guidance notes
CIL Forms and Guidance Notes
CIL charging schedule
Details of CIL rates and charging zones
CIL Exemptions
CIL exemptions
Payment of CIL
Payment of CIL
How to Appeal
How to Appeal
How CIL is spent
Reports of how and where CIL is spent
CIL resources
Access to resources to help you through the CIL process
Indexation of CIL rates
Indexation of CIL rates
Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements
Annual Infrastructure Funding statements
The CIL examination
The CIL examination