CIL Exemptions
In very limited circumstances, we may allow claims for relief from CIL. These circumstances are:
- Where development is for charitable purposes
- Where development is for affordable housing, including an equivalent proportion of communal floorspace; or
- For those building their own homes, extending existing ones or building residential annexes
Any application for relief must be submitted within the appropriate application form. These application forms are as follows:
- CIL Form 7 (parts 1 and 2): Claiming self-build exemption (part 1: pre-commencement and part 2: post-completion)
- CIL Form 8: Claiming residential annexe exemption
- CIL Form 9: Claiming residential extension exemption
- CIL Form 10: Charitable and/or social housing relief claim
Any application for relief and/or exception must be determined prior to commencement of development.
We no longer accept applications for exceptional circumstances relief from CIL.
If you consider that a combination of CIL and the affordable housing contribution will render your development unviable, you should discuss the possibility of a viability assessment with the planning officer in the first instance.
Further information on the types of relief/exemption from CIL is available on the Planning Portal.
2019 amendments to self-build exemptions
The 2019 amended CIL Regulations have revised the process of the submission of a CIL Form 6: commencement notice for developments which have had a self-build exemption applied to it, specifically the penalties of late or non-submission of this document.
If a commencement notice is not submitted prior to the commencement date:
- Provided that the liability notice with the exemption is issued on or after 01 September 2019 then you will be subject to a surcharge of 20% of the total liability, with a maximum of £2,500.00. The exemption will not be withdrawn.
- If the liability notice with the exemption is issued before 01 September 2019, then the previous regulations apply – you will be subject to a surcharge of 20% of the total liability, with a maximum of £2,500.00 and the exemption will be withdrawn.
In both cases the amount payable will be due immediately.
The following notification of relief came into effect on 20 June 2015.
Discretionary charitable relief
Discretionary relief for investment activities by charities may be made in accordance with Regulations 44 and 45. We allow such discretionary relief (Regulation 46) where the chargeable development delivers facilities, services or infrastructure that have been identified as a requirement in the LDF implementation plan or place plans.
The amount of relief granted will be in direct proportion to the proposed development’s benefit to the community, as assessed by Shropshire Council in consultation with the parish or town council. We will accept claims for such relief from the date that the Shropshire charging schedule comes into effect
Any application for charitable exemption or relief must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of development. It must also be submitted on 'CIL Form 10: Charitable and/or social housing relief claim form', and be accompanied by all relevant supporting information to allow us to determine whether the development demonstrates compliance with the national and local eligibility criteria. Relief can't be offered if development commences.
Mandatory relief
The following forms of mandatory relief are also available in Shropshire:
- Mandatory charitable relief – under Regulation 43.
- Mandatory affordable housing relief – under Regulations 49 and 49C.
- Mandatory self build exemption (dwelling) – under Regulation 54A.
- Mandatory self build exemption (residential annexe or extension) – under Regulation 42A.
Any further mandatory forms of relief/exemption introduced on or after the date that this notification has effect.
For further information on charitable or mandatory forms of relief, or whether further forms of relief/exemption have been introduced, please refer to:
- These web pages
- The National Planning Portal
- The National CIL Regulations (as amended) on the government's legislation pages.