Shrewsbury West Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE)
What is the SUE and how is it being brought forward?
The Shrewsbury West Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) was identified in the adopted Core Strategy as a strategic location for development to help meet the town’s future housing and employment needs. The SUE will include the provision of approximately 750 new homes, together with up to 12 hectares of employment land, a new Oxon Link Road between the A5 bypass and the Holyhead Road, and a new expanded local centre.
A masterplan has been prepared to guide the development of the SUE. We adopted this in December 2013 after a thorough assessment of the characteristics and context of the area and a major public consultation on a draft masterplan. The masterplan sets out a guiding vision, a series of development objectives and a set of key design principles, together with an illustrative layout plan and phasing proposals. The plan is available to download below. Please note, this is a large file and may take a short while to download.
Next steps
The development of the SUE will now come forward through a series of planning applications linked to a 'phasing and delivery strategy' to ensure coordination and the provision of necessary infrastructure. We have already resolved to grant permission for 296 houses, employment/commercial use, restaurant/pub, hotel, landscaping and associated infrastructure, subject to a S106 legal agreement on part of the SUE.