Shropshire Council

Type and affordability of housing

The Type and Affordability of Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is relevant to all types of residential development, providing detailed guidance to assist in implementing a number of Core Strategy policies. The SPD helps to provide a mix of good quality, sustainable housing development of the right size, type, tenure and affordability to meet the housing requirements of all sections of the community.

All new market housing developments are required to make a contribution towards the provision of affordable housing in accordance with Core Strategy Policy CS11.

Planning applications will be subject to one of three rates shown in the 'housing zones with parish boundaries map' within the related documents section of this page. More detailed maps showing the zones around the towns can be found by following the link under 'Related Information' to the CIL Charging Zone boundaries, which are the same boundaries.

For greater detail regarding rural parish boundaries please go to the Shropshire Council 'Home' page at the bottom of which is an interactive map. By choosing 'map layers' you can display the parish boundaries at whatever scale you wish.

  • Area A 20% affordable housing contribution
  • Area B 15% affordable housing contribution
  • Area C 10% affordable housing contribution

Housing enabling planning policy charges schedule

Please note that from 1 April 2024 we will levy a charge on consents that specifically relate to an affordable property that the Affordable Housing Team deal with. This is to bring us in line with other departments that deal with consents. The following charges will apply.

Eligibility letters for re sales (standard)


Eligibility letters for re sales (complex)


Mortgage consents (standard)


Mortgage consents (complex)


Consents for transfers/ sales (standard)


Consents for transfers/ sales (complex)


Amendments to title information (standard)


Amendments to title information (complex)


Land registry forms (standard)


Land registry forms (complex)
