Shropshire Council

North West Relief Road

This information is correct at the time of publishing but could be subject to change either due to circumstances beyond our control, or should other works come in that make it more efficient and less disruptive to reschedule

Closure details

  • Starts: 1 January 2019
  • Ends: 1 May 2022
  • Running: Daytime
  • Central Shropshire

The NWRR will provide a new, single carriageway road linking the northern and western parts of Shrewsbury. It will include a new bridge over the River Severn and its flood plain, and a new bridge over the Shrewsbury-Chester railway line. The NWRR would connect to existing roads with new roundabouts. The end points of the NWRR have been determined by the existing Battlefield Link Road in the north, and the planned Oxon Link Road in the west. These roads were designed as precursors of a NWRR, and each provides access to important employment and development areas. The Oxon Link Road is included in the Marches LEP’s £75 million Growth Deal and will be delivered by 2021 as part of the proposed western Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE).

Find out more from our North West Relief Road pages.