Shropshire Council

Shrewsbury - London Road site

This site is mainly improved grassland and grade 2/3 agricultural land bounded by the River Severn to the east, where the site slopes down relatively steeply. The site is then bounded by London Road and nine individual properties to the south. The crematorium is to the west and land owned by a private developer to the north.

Approximately 4.41ha is available for development, shown edged red on the plan, and this will accommodate 47 homes, made up of 37 self-build plots and 10 affordable housing plots. As part of the SamDev process the site has been assessed (SHREW001) as being suitable for limited low density, sensitively designed housing.

The main aim of releasing the land for sale is to provide serviced plots to residents to build their own homes. The scheme will bring forward a sustainable site for development in an area that has access to the historic town centre and local amenities, events, schools and key employment sites. The site will access a main transport corridor from the A5 into the centre of town and is adjacent to an employment site.

The project will also provide a process for the dispose of council-owned land for self-build affordable homes and promote sustainable design.



A layout plan showing the number and sizes of the available plots will be available soon, along with a timetable showing when the phases will be released for sale.