Shropshire Council

Adult Social Care Direct Payments

06 July 2021 Last updated at 11:30

October 2019 marked a new approach in how Shropshire Council develops direct payments. People who use direct payments (experts by experience) told us they felt criminalized, that the system was “us” and “them” and there wasn’t enough humanity in the process.

Since then all development work is co-produced; carried out jointly between the Council and experts by experience. The Direct Payments Board is co-chaired by an expert by experience and includes several others. We held and continue to hold work groups tackling key issues who feedback to the Board. All groups include experts by experience whose equal participation has directed many improvements.

Outcomes from work so far include

  • A unique vision and policy for Direct Payments in Shropshire
  • A support tool explaining Care Act eligibility clearly and visually
  • Lots of paperwork in Direct Payment processes being rewritten in friendly and straightforward language especially around maintaining records and financial monitoring
  • A new direct payment agreement will form part of new welcome packs
  • Work is ongoing on a direct payments website
  • Feeding our learning from Mend the Gap into development work on support plans across the Council

We have further to go in Shropshire to make direct payments open and honest; flexible and creative; and clear and simple so we welcome PACCs voice on the Board and in the working groups progressing the direct payments website and recruitment options further. For more information please email