The vast majority of young people with SEND are capable of sustainable paid employment with the right preparation and support.
Young people are expected to remain in some form of education or training to the age of 18 years.
Continuing in further education will help young people build upon their prior achievements and support their progression towards greater independence and aspirations for paid employment/higher education.
Colleges receive core funding to support the delivery of education to students directly from the government. Where the support costs are over £6,000 then colleges can make an application to the Local Authority for additional funding, also known as ‘Top up’ funding. The Local Authority can also provide additional funding to a college for a student up to the age of 18, when starting their course without an EHCP.
Education, Health and Care Plans do not apply to higher education and if a young person continues in learning following achievement of a level 3, then they will move to higher education and the EHCP will cease.
FE Study programmes
Further educational institutions offer courses which are designed to provide pathways to employment with a clear focus on preparing students with SEND for work. This includes identifying the skills that employer’s value and helping young people to develop them.
Principles of the study programme
Study programmes are designed for young people to progress to higher levels of study building on previous learning, and not to repeat learning already successfully achieved. They can focus on high-quality work experience that prepares students for employment, independent living, being healthy and participating within their community. A study programme is a bespoke and may include other activities that build skills and confidence to support transition to adulthood outcomes. The principals are:
- A bespoke programme
- Progress to a higher level of study than prior attainment
- Develops employability skills
- Study that stretches
- Must include English and maths (if less than C grade or level 4)
- Meaningful employment training or higher levels of education
- Supported Internships (as applicable)
- Progression
Young people may choose a particular study programme pathway, that focuses on a vocational, academic or work based route.