Adult social care for young people with SEND
When your child/young person reaches 18 years old, they legally become an adult and changes will take place as to how they receive support from a range of agencies, including social care. The information in the boxes below can help you understand how adult social care (ASC) support young people as they prepare for adulthood (PFA), a phase also known as transition.
Find out about the preparing for adulthood team, and how to make contact.
ASC PFA process
Understand the process of how we get involved.
Find out about housing options for young people.
Information about finances when accessing adult social care.
Assessments and eligibility
Assessments and eligibility.
Mental Capacity Act
Find out how the Mental Capacity Act applies to young people.
Example support plans
Examples of how young people supported by the PFA team spend their time.
Direct payments
Find out in more detail if a direct payment could be right for you.
Day opportunities
A curated list of day opportunities and activities for young people in Shropshire with SEND