Shropshire Council

Bridgnorth - Underhill St - parking restrictions

  • Period: 30 March 2023 - 29 April 2023
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Traffic management
  • Type: Public

Title of scheme

Bridgnorth – Underhill Street – parking restrictions



This proposal follows the completion and analysis of a questionnaire distributed to residents in May / June 2022 and a further public consultation workshop in December 2022. The proposal is intended to reduce vehicle congestion, facilitate the safe passage of traffic and access to property whilst giving residents equal opportunity to park near to their homes. The introduction of virtual permitting and visitor hours will give improved access and greater flexibility in service provision.

It is proposed to:

  • Create shared limited waiting bays/Underhill Street residents permit holders only bays, as well as a permit holders only bay in the existing bays on Underhill Street which will be in operation from 8am – 8pm, seven days a week. This will enable  residents to park near to their homes as well as allowing access to the local amenities
  • That eligible residents of the Underhill Street scheme will be able to purchase one resident parking permit per premise
  • That eligible residents of the Underhill Street scheme will receive 200 hours of visitor permits per year
  • That any proprietors of holiday let properties located within the Underhill Street scheme may purchase a parking permit for use by their customers during the rental of the holiday let property
  • That owners of businesses will no longer be eligible to purchase Underhill Street residents parking permits


Underhill Street – Bridgnorth

Consultation begins

30 March 2023

Consultation ends

29 April 2023


Shropshire Council proposes to make the following changes to the parking restrictions on Underhill Street in Bridgnorth:

No waiting at any time

Underhill Street (west side)

From its junction with Cartway to a point five metres south of the southernmost building line of no. 12 Underhill Street (also known as Hop Pole House).

From a point 44 metres south of the southernmost building line of no. 12 Underhill Street (also known as Hop Pole House) southwards to its junction with New Road.

Underhill Street (east side)

From its junction with Bridge Street to a point opposite the property boundary of no. 5 and no. 6 Underhill Street.

From a point six metres south of the property boundary of no. 7 Underhill Street (also known as Harbour House flats) and no. 8 Underhill Street to a point in line with the northernmost building line of no. 45 Underhill Street.

From a point 11 metres south of the northernmost building line of no. 45 Underhill Street for a distance of four metres in a southerly direction.

From a point in line with the northernmost building line of Lavington Court for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction.

From a point 42 metres south of the northernmost building line of Lavington Court to a point 222 metres north of its junction with B4373 Oldbury Road.

8am–8pm – limited waiting 30 minutes, no return within one hour OR Underhill Street resident permit holders

Underhill Street (west side)


From a point five metres south of the southernmost building line of no. 12 Underhill Street (also known as Hop Pole House) for a distance of 39 metres in a southerly direction.

Underhill Street (east side)

From a point opposite the property boundary of no. 5 and no. 6 Underhill Street to a point six metres south of the property boundary of no. 7 Underhill Street (also known as Harbour House) and no. 8 Underhill Street.

From a point in line with the northernmost building line of no. 45 Underhill Street for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction.

From a point 15 metres south of the northernmost building line of no. 45 Underhill to a point in line with the northernmost building line of Lavington Court.

Underhill Street resident permit holders only 8am-8pm

Underhill Street (west side)


From a point 18 metres south of the northernmost building line of Lavington Court for a distance of 24 metres in a southerly direction.

Any existing restrictions at the above locations will be revoked.

Eligible residents of the Underhill Street scheme will be able to purchase one resident parking permit per premise, with one car registration allowed per permit, at a cost of £100.

Eligible residents of Underhill Street will receive 200 hours of visitor permits per year if they buy a residents parking permit. Eligible residents who do not purchase a residents parking permit may buy the same amount of visitors permits at a cost of £5 per year.

Proprietors of holiday let properties located within the Underhill Street scheme may purchase a parking permit for use by their customers during the rental of the holiday let property. Each establishment will be entitled to purchase one digital permit annually at a cost of £100.

The provision that allows businesses to buy residents parking permits will be withdrawn.

30 March 2023

Please note that representations received may be reproduced, stored, copied and published online in connection with the processing of the (proposed) order and/or any inquiry. Information will not be used for additional purposes without consent. Representations without a name and address will be treated as anonymous, which may affect their weight in the decision making process. Any details published online will exclude individuals email addresses and phone numbers.


Full details of these proposals may be viewed at the Customer Service Point, Bridgnorth Library, Listley Street, Bridgnorth. Alternatively, you may request copies by:

  • Emailing:
  • Writing to: Traffic Engineering Team, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6ND
  • Calling 0345 678 9006

If you wish to raise an objection, express support, or make any other comments about these proposals, please send us an email or letter by 29 April 2023 (contact details as above). You may also ring the above phone number for more information.

Please note that, for legal reasons, objections must be made in writing or by email, and should state the grounds on which the objection is made. Objections can't be accepted over the phone.

Data protection

Information collected in our surveys will only be used by us (Shropshire Council) to inform the immediate and future provision of our services. The information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy. It will not be shared outside of Shropshire Council. Information collected via our online surveys (hosted on the Surveymonkey website) will be stored on SurveyMonkey’s servers in the United States of America and SurveyMonkey gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission.