Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements
In accordance with the National CIL Regulations, Shropshire Council is required to publish a CIL Regulation 123 List identifying those infrastructure needs which will be delivered in full or in part through the use of CIL.
Where an infrastructure item is included within the CIL Regulation 123 List, in accordance within the National CIL Regulations (as amended), Section 106 Planning Obligations and Section 278 Highway Agreement (apart for where this agreement is drawn up by the Highways Agency) cannot also be used to secure this item. Whilst developers may be required to provide contributions to infrastructure through a variety of mechanisms, this restriction was introduced so that there is no duplication between the various types of developer contributions.
CIL income from new development can be spent on anything that constitutes "infrastructure" as defined by Regulation 216 of the 2008 Planning Act and the National CIL Regulations (as amended). This includes but is not limited to roads and other transport facilities, flood defences, schools and other educational facilities, medical facilities, sporting and recreational facilities, and open spaces.
Shropshire Council recognises that infrastructure needs very from place to place and priorities vary over time in response to different development pressures. Shropshire’s infrastructure requirements are therefore detailed within Shropshire’s Implementation Plan and supporting Place Plans. An annual process of review is well established for these which ensures widespread and continual engagement in identifying and prioritising Shropshire’s infrastructure requirements both with the local community and local infrastructure and service providers. The Implementation Plan and supporting Place Plans therefore provide a robust evidence base to assist in the targeted use of developer contributions as well as a mechanism for coordinating all available resources around an agreed set of priorities within a particular place.
The annual review of the Implementation Plan and Place Plans informs the CIL Regulation 123 List, thereby ensuring the infrastructure requirements to be delivered through CIL are informed by local evidence of need and based on robust local consultation. The CIL Regulation 123 List is annually signed off by Cabinet, following the process set out in the Core Strategy and its accompanying Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document and Code of Practice.
2020 onwards
From 2020, Shropshire Council are required to publish an Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement, detailing how much CIL and S106 contributions have been collected and how this has been spent. This also includes an Infrastructure List which sets out how Shropshire Council may use CIL local and strategic funds. This will be updated annually, informed by the ongoing review of the Place Plans. Further updates regarding how CIL may be spent by Shropshire Council will be detailed in future Annual Infrastructure Funding Statements.