Shropshire Council

Developer contributions

What is a Section 106 agreement?

Under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended), planning obligations, commonly known as S106 agreements are a legal agreement between the local planning authority and an applicant/developer. They are used to make a development acceptable in planning terms, which would not otherwise be acceptable. Often referred to as ‘developer contributions’, they are frequently used to secure local infrastructure to meet the needs of residents of new developments, lessen the impact of development and/or compensate for loss or damage caused by the development itself. A S106 agreement is usually completed following the resolution to grant planning permission, and should ensure the proposed development conforms to local, regional and national planning policies.

A ‘unilateral undertaking’ is a voluntary legal agreement entered into by developers to carry out works or to pay a financial contribution. The council is not a party to this agreement.

Regulation 122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) states that Section 106 agreements can only be used where they are:

  • Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms
  • Directly related to the development, and
  • Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development

If an obligation doesn't meet these tests, legally it can't be considered in the granting of the planning permission.

What is Section 106 agreements used for?

The requirements of the S106 will vary depending upon the nature of the development, and the impact on the local area. Planning obligations are often used to secure affordable housing (either on-site or as a financial contribution in lieu of on-site provision), or to obtain financial contributions to secure infrastructure, for example, recreational facilities and highways. In addition, they can also be used to restrict use of the land or the development itself.

The most common obligations include:

  • Affordable housing
  • Public open space/play area
  • Highways
  • Education

When are Section 106 contributions paid?

The trigger points for delivery of an obligation or for payment to be made by the applicant/ developer will be specified in the agreement. The timing of this will be dependent on the type of contribution, size of the development and timing of when delivery of the obligation is required.

For outline planning permissions, the requirements for each phase of the development will be specified in the S106 agreement, and in the case of affordable housing the contribution will be specified as a formula which applies the affordable housing target rate that is prevailing at the time that the reserved matters for each phase are submitted.

Find out more from our Type and Affordability of Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).

The council would expect financial affordable housing contributions to be made in the following timescales:

Number of dwellings in the development Payment periods for financial contributions to affordable housing


Two years from commencement, or three months after completion of the development, whichever is the sooner.


One year from commencement or on completion of the development, whichever is the sooner.

Further information regarding the council's planning policy and supplementary planning documents (SPDs) can be found on this website.

It is important to note that an obligation will only be realised if the planning permission is implemented and the trigger point specified within the Section 106 agreement is achieved.

How long do we have to spend S106 funds?

A time limit is usually set for spending the contributions received. This will be specified in the S106 agreement.

Land charges

All S106 agreements run with the land. They are therefore registered as a local land charge, and as such may be enforced against the original signatory to the agreement and against successors in title. The agreement will be revealed in any local land charges search, until such time as the obligations within the agreement have been discharged by the local planning authority.

Can I obtain a copy of a Section 106 agreement?

Copies of agreements can be downloaded free from the Planning section of this website.

In some cases, the agreement may not be available online (for example due to the size of the document). If you are unable to find the agreement that you are looking for, please email the council's business support officers, who will arrange for a copy to be made available to you:

Support officer contacts are dependent on the geographical location of the development site within the county:

S106 agreements

Annual infrastructure funding statement

The Infrastructure Funding Statement provides an annual summary of financial contributions received by the council in connection with the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Section 106 agreements and Highways works completed via Section 278 agreements. Further information can be found as follows:

S106 monitoring fees

With effect from 1st April 2025, Shropshire Council will be introducing Section 106 Monitoring fees.

The legislation and guidance says:
Regulation 122 (2A) of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Regulations 2010 (as amended) permit local authorities to charge a fee for monitoring and reporting on planning obligations. The Regulation 122 tests do not apply in relation to a planning obligation which requires a sum to be paid to a local planning authority in respect of the cost of monitoring (including reporting) provided:

  • the sum to be paid fairly and reasonably relates in scale and kind to the development, and
  • the sum to be paid to the authority does not exceed the authority’s estimate of its cost of monitoring the development over the lifetime of the planning obligations which relate to that development.

The aim of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The introduction of Section 106 monitoring fees will assist in actively monitoring the collection and spend of developer contributions. These contributions help deliver the Council’s Local Plan supporting planning issues such as housing, employment, retail, the environment and transport, ensuring the timely delivery of infrastructure and delivering the homes and jobs communities need as outlined in the Shropshire Plan.

The fees will be introduced on planning applications received from 1st April 2025. They will not be applied retrospectively for historic agreements. The fee and trigger point for payment will be written into the Section 106 agreement. 

Number of dwellings Registration fee (£)
Flat rate
Plus monitoring fee (£)
Flat rate

1 dwelling



2 - 9 dwelling units



10 - 100 dwelling units



101 - 250 dwelling units



251 - 500 dwelling units





Fee to be negotiated depending upon scale of development

Commercial Developments
(no residential)


Fee to be negotiated depending upon scale of development

Deeds of Variation



Upfront Payments



Please note:

  • Payment of the Registration Fee is required upon completion of the agreement – this covers reviewing and recording of the details of the Section 106 agreement, including identifying all obligations and trigger points.
  • Monitoring Fees are payable upon commencement of the development. The fees are not refundable if the development is not implemented or stalls.
  • Increase in Registration and Monitoring charges reflects the level of the increased monitoring work required in relation to the size and scale of the development.
  • For larger scale developments (500+), the monitoring fee will be negotiated outside of this charging scale, as consideration would need to be given to the size/scale of the development, number of obligations and trigger points within the agreement and build-out period.
  • Upfront Payments incur a flat fee to cover administration costs for processing the payment and notification to recipient service areas.
  • All fees will be reviewed annually and will be included in the Fees and Charges Schedule agreed by the Council.

S106 compliance requests

With effect from 1st April 2025, Shropshire Council will be introducing a charge to respond to compliance enquires. 

All S106 agreements run with the land. They are therefore registered as a local land charge, and as such may be enforced against the original signatory to the agreement and against successors in title. When land or property is being sold, it is common for a search of the Local Land Charges Register to be completed to establish the existence of any Section 106 agreements. The following charges apply to provide confirmation of compliance of S106 obligations.

Compliance Enquiries
(Per enquiry - payable upfront)


Compliance Enquiries
(each additional agreement relating to the same site – payable upfront)


To submit your enquiry please complete the Section 106 Compliance Enquiry Form.

Please note:

  • The fee must be paid in full to enable the Council to issue a response
  • We will aim to respond to you within 10 working days
  • Copies of S106 Agreements can be found online within the list of documents relating to the planning permission via our Public Access system
  • These fees are non-refundable
  • All fees will be reviewed annually and will be included in the Fees and Charges Schedule agreed by the Council


S106 compliance enquiry form

Please refer to the Fees table before submitting this form and making your payment. Completed forms should be sent to

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

What is CIL?

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new development to help fund supporting infrastructure across Shropshire. Within Shropshire, CIL applies to all development that involves:

  • The formation of one or more new dwellings (including holiday lets), either through conversion or new build, regardless of size (unless it's ‘affordable housing’); or
  • The establishment of new residential floorspace (including extensions, replacements and annexes ancillary to existing dwellings) of 100sqm or above.

Development for other uses, such as commercial, are not liable for CIL in the Shropshire Council area. Further information on CIL and how it is collected can be found on our CIL pages.

What is CIL used for?

The council has resolved to distribute CIL to allow a direct link between new development and its contribution to the delivery of local community infrastructure needs.

Within Shropshire, CIL is distributed as follows:

CIL fund Proportion of total fund Responsible party Area for spend

Administrative fee


Shropshire Council

Administrative expenses incurred during the implementation and enforcement of CIL.

Neighbourhood Fund

25% where there is a neighbourhood plan or neighbourhood development order (uncapped)

15% where there isn't a neighbourhood plan (capped at £100 per council tax dwelling)

Town and parish councils

Provided directly to the local town/parish council to fund locally identified infrastructure projects.

Please note: The Neighbourhood Fund only applies where the CIL liability notice (usually issued shortly after a planning application is approved) has been issued since the introduction of the 2013 Amendment CIL Regulations on 25 April 2013.

Of the remainder:

Strategic Infrastructure Fund


Shropshire Council in conjunction with infrastructure providers

Strategic infrastructure priorities across Shropshire.

Local infrastructure Fund


Shropshire Council in conjunction with town/parish councils

Local infrastructure priorities to meet the infrastructure needs in the area where development takes place, as identified by town/parish councils within their place plans.

CIL income from new development can be spent on anything that constitutes 'infrastructure' as defined by Regulation 216 of the 2008 Planning Act and the CIL Regulations (as amended). This includes, but is not limited to, roads and other transport facilities, flood defences, schools and other educational facilities, medical facilities, sporting and recreational facilities, and open spaces. Further details on what CIL may be spent on can be found in the annual infrastructure funding statement that we publish each year. A copy of the most recently published statement is available on this website.

When is CIL paid?

CIL becomes payable when development commences. Payment can be made in full or by instalments, in accordance with the 'Shropshire Council: Payment by Instalment' policy. The liable party is required to serve a CIL commencement notice on Shropshire Council as the CIL collecting authority prior to the commencement of development to ensure that a CIL demand notice can be issued to confirm when payment is due. Should a CIL commencement notice not be served on Shropshire Council prior to the commencement of development, we are required to deem a commencement date and require full payment of the CIL liability immediately.

Further details on the payment of CIL and the consequences for liable parties for failure to pay can be found on our CIL pages.

Annual infrastructure funding statement

The infrastructure funding statement provides an annual summary of financial contributions received by the council in connection with the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Section 106 agreements and highways works completed via Section 278 agreements. The statements published to date are available on the council's CIL pages.

CIL income and expenditure

The council has published additional data regarding CIL income and expenditure in support of the annual infrastructure funding statement. It is envisaged that further data will be published quarterly.

Take a look at the data »

What are Section 278 agreements

Section 278 agreements (S278) under the Highways Act 1980 are legally binding agreements between the local highway authority and the developer to ensure delivery of necessary highway works as a result of new development. Type of works may include:

  • Roundabouts
  • Priority junctions
  • Junctions with traffic lights
  • Right-turn lanes
  • Improved facilities for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Improvements to existing junctions
  • Traffic calming measures