Shropshire Council

Regulation 19: Pre-submission draft of the Shropshire Local Plan consultation

Shropshire Council published the Regulation 19: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan and its supporting documents on 18 December 2020 in order to invite representations from all parties on its soundness, legal compliance and compliance with the duty-to-cooperate. Representations were invited by 5pm on Friday 26 February 2021 (the representation period was extended in response to lockdown restrictions).

The Regulation 19: Pre-Submission Draft of the Shropshire Local Plan represents an advanced and fully formed version of the Local Plan. It identifies a vision and framework for the future development of Shropshire to 2038; addresses needs and opportunities in relation to housing, the local economy, community facilities and infrastructure; and seeks to safeguard the environment, enable adaptation to climate change and helps to secure high-quality and accessible design. It contains:

  • Draft strategic policies which set the priorities and framework for the Local Plan
  • Draft ‘strategic’ implementation policies and more ‘detailed’ draft policies for managing development.
  • Draft settlement policies which provide draft strategies and draft guidelines for the settlements of Shropshire, including where appropriate identifying draft proposed site allocations.
  • Draft strategic settlement and draft strategic site policies which identify these draft proposed sites and provide draft strategies and draft guidelines for their development.

During this consultation, around 680 unique respondents submitted around 2,400 duly-made representations. Respondents included local residents, businesses, town and parish councils, neighbouring local authorities, statutory consultees and a range of other organisations. Appropriately redacted versions of these representations are provided at the bottom of this page.

If you're having any difficulties viewing any of the these representations or receive the message “For the best experience, open this PDF portfolio in Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X, or later” when opening the representation, then please:

  1. Open the representation.
  2. Save a copy of the representation to your computer.
  3. Open the version of the representation saved to your computer using Adobe Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X (or later) – please ensure that the representation opens in this software and not your website browser or an alternative pdf viewer.

If you don't have a copy of Adobe Acrobat X or Adobe Reader X (or later) on your computer, an appropriate version of Adobe Reader can be downloaded for free using the link provided when you open the version of the representation on our website, or by visiting the Adobe website.

If you continue to experience difficulties viewing any of these representations, please contact Shropshire Council at

For information on the respondents to this consultation, including the unique A Reference allocated to them, which is provided within the file name for their representation(s), please view the Schedule of Respondents (Schedule 3 of document SD014.01 – Regulation 19 consultation response summary).

Two non-duly made representations were also received, appropriately redacted versions of these non-duly made representations are also provided at the bottom of this page.

A summary of these representations is also available to download from this page, under the Related information heading.

A summary of these representations is available to download from this page.

Consultation reps