Shropshire Council

Shropshire Plan engagement survey

  • Period: 14 January 2022 - 28 February 2022
  • Status: Closed
  • Audiences: Everyone
  • Topics: Community and living
  • Type: Public

The Shropshire Plan sets out the vision and purpose of the council and the priorities for Shropshire for the three years from 2022 to 2025. The priorities will shape and direct the work of the council and how it will deploy its resources to achieve them.

This survey is being carried out to get feedback on the draft priorities and what you think the delivery of the priorities would mean for you. All feedback will be taken into account before the plan goes to council.

A survey has been provided as a way of collecting feedback. Click on the ‘How to get involved’ tab to access the survey.


Have your say on this plan, which sets out the vision and purpose of the council and the priorities for Shropshire for the three years from 2022 to 2025.

Go to the survey »

You can also respond to this engagement survey in writing:

  • Email:
  • Post: Feedback and Insight Team, Shropshire Council, Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shropshire SY2 6ND

If you'd like the survey in an alternative format, please email describing the support you need to allow you to respond.

Data protection

Information collected in our surveys will only be used by us (Shropshire Council) to inform the immediate and future provision of our services. The information you provide will be kept confidential in accordance with our Privacy Policy. It will not be shared outside of Shropshire Council. Information collected via our online surveys (hosted on the Surveymonkey website) will be stored on SurveyMonkey’s servers in the United States of America and SurveyMonkey gives an undertaking never to disclose the survey questions or your responses to others without permission.