Shropshire Council

Shropshire Healthier Weight Strategy 2023 -2028

Shropshire's Healthier Weight Strategy describes how the council and its partners will work together to help address the issue of excess weight. It's informed by feedback received through public and stakeholder engagement and consultation, and includes current evidence, national guidance and local data on the scale and impact of unhealthy weight.

67% of adults in Shropshire live with excess weight, and children and young people are also affected, with nearly one in three 10-11 year olds in Shropshire either overweight or very overweight by the time they leave primary school. Evidence indicates that reducing excess weight among the population would lead to a significant reduction in weight-related illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

The strategy sets out system-wide priorities to improve health and promote healthier weight among Shropshire's population, with an emphasis on preventing excess weight for people of all ages, focusing on pregnancy and infancy as key opportunities for prevention. It includes key priorities and underpinning principles which inform and frame a series of identified actions. These are structured under three delivery themes, comprising:

  • Healthy environment
  • Prevention in early years
  • Empowering system partners

Across Shropshire’s integrated care system, we are, where possible, aligning priorities and actions to improve health and promote healthier weight.

The strategy was endorsed by Shropshire's Health and Wellbeing Board in November 2023, and approved by Shropshire Council's cabinet in January 2024.