Shropshire Council

Schools library service

Our term time opening hours are:
  • Monday – Wednesday 9am – 5pm
  • Thursday 9am – 6pm (5pm – 6pm by appointment only)

Any staff wishing to visit the Annexe showroom must make an appointment by either emailing or calling 01743 255030.
Schools are welcome to provide us with project requests for the Spring and Summer terms 2023 by using the same email, phone number or using the form on this website.

Thank you for your valued support and good luck with the new academic year – Donna Taylor SLS Manager.


Schools library service logo

The Shropshire School Library Service offers a comprehensive resource and advisory service to all phases of education (pre-school to post-16) within the area covered by Shropshire Council and Telford & Wrekin Council as a partnership arrangement.

Staff have long experience of working with schools, and can offer professional, friendly advice and practical support on all aspects of library and resource provision. Subscription to the service ensures a cost-effective, responsive and flexible service which will help to enhance literacy and independent learning across the curriculum.