Shropshire Council

Drugs and alcohol - Shropshire Recovery Partnership (SRP)

Shropshire recovery partnership logo

Please note that this page is in the process of being updated.

If you or someone you know has a problem with drugs and / or alcohol please contact the Shropshire Recovery Partnership (SRP), the treatment service that covers the county.

Working from the central hub in Roushill, Shrewsbury and satellite bases in Oswestry, Bridgnorth and Ludlow amongst others, SRP provide the following services:

  • Individual 1-2-1 work with a keyworker
  • Group work sessions
  • Access to detox and rehabilitation services
  • Needle exchange services
  • Clinical services
  • Criminal justice interventions
  • Young Addaction; a dedicated young peoples service for 10-18 year olds.

SRP can be contacted in the following ways:

Telephone: 01743 294700

We're located at:

1a Castle Gates

Call: 01743 294700

The Shropshire Recovery Partnership can also be contacted on the following social media platforms:

SRP social media

Mutual aid

There is a wide range of mutual aid support and provision available across Shropshire. Please check the websites below to find out local meeting details:

Further information

If you’d like any further information, please follow the links:

