Shropshire Council

Wheelchair and Posture Service

Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service is a clinically-led service which aims to meet the mobility needs of children and young people with long-term disabilities and restricted abilities. The service have skilled clinicians who can carry out an assessment to see if a child/young person requires the prescription of mobility equipment to help them get around.

Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service staff include wheelchair therapists, who are occupational therapists and physiotherapists, clinical assistants, rehabilitation engineers, repair engineers, stores specialists and an administrative support team.

How do I access the service?

New patients are referred to the Shropshire Wheelchair and Posture Service by an educational, health or social care professional involved with the child/young person, eg a teacher, GP, nurse, occupational therapist, physio or social worker. They'll complete the dedicated referral form and send it to the service. A clinician will then decide if an assessment is required.  

Existing patients or their representatives can contact the service directly for ongoing advice, support, repairs, and review of their existing equipment. They don't need to be referred to the service again. The service doesn't generate an automatic review of assessments - these need to be requested.

What do I do if there is a fault with the wheelchair/equipment?

If a repair is required to the equipment (such as a wheelchair, buggy, accessory, seating system) you need to contact the Wheelchair and Posture Service. A time will be arranged for you to bring the equipment to the service for the repair to be carried out. Often this can be done on the same day. If a home visit is required, there will be a delay of up to three weeks for the repair to be actioned.

What do I do if there is a fault with the wheelchair/equipment whilst on holiday in the UK?

Children and young people have the right to travel, so there's a procedure in place to assist with repairs should you need them when on holiday in the UK. You need to contact the service and notify them of the fault with the equipment, and they'll provide the contact details of the nearest wheelchair service whilst you're on holiday. If the wheelchair isn't safe to use they'll send a repairer to you within 24 working hours. If it's still safe to be used they'll send a repairer within three working days.

What happens when a child/young person turns 18 years old?

The same service rolls forward into adulthood. You'll deal with the same team of clinicians and have the same contacts, and access/changes of equipment will be dealt with as required.

What happens if a child/young person moves out of Shropshire?

If a child/young person were to move out of Shropshire the new area they locate to will become responsible for any repairs, and local services will provide the equipment. 

How do I contact the service?

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact the team.

  • Available - Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, Friday 8:30am – 4pm
  • Address - Shropshire Rehabilitation Centre, Lancaster Road, Harlescott, Shrewsbury SY1 3NJ
  • Email -
  • Call - 01743 444051

How do I find out more about the service?

For more information, check out the Wheelchair and Posture Service on the Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust website.