Shropshire Council

SEND and AP Partnership Board

What is the SEND and AP Partnership Board?

The SEND and AP Partnership Board is a regular meeting of those who are responsible for delivering SEND services in Shropshire, and those who use these services.

Who are the members of the SEND and AP Partnership Board? 

It is an equal partnership of representatives from education, health and care providers, Shropshire Council, the Integrated Care System, and representatives of parents/ carers and children and young people with SEND. All members of the SEND and AP Partnership Board act as representatives for their sector and as champions within their own services / organisations for children and young people with SEND.

What does the SEND and AP Partnership Board do?

The purpose of these meetings is to work together to deliver the SEND Strategy and to oversee the wider work programme for SEND across every service/organisation represented, to deliver our shared vision, values and priorities.

What is the SEND and AP Partnership Board responsible for?

SEND and AP Partnership Board is responsible for driving improvements, ensuring outcomes are effective and that they have a positive impact on the lives of children and young people with SEND. It embraces co-production where children and young people with SEND and their parents, carers and representatives are involved at every stage of decision making to ensure their voices are heard and that services are developed to meet their needs, based upon their lived experience of services; not just consultation or canvasing opinion but creating and doing things together with shared decision making and accountability.

The SEND and AP Partnership Board sets, checks, and challenges the progress of the SEND action plan. They ensure that the Accelerated Progress Plan (APP) is implemented, and that there is full scrutiny of the work that is being delivered and that workstreams meet the milestones and outcomes of the action plans in an effective, transparent and timely manner. It ensures that those outcomes reflect the outcomes and priorities of the SEND and Inclusion strategy.

They will identify and remove any obstacles to implementing the workstreams. If this needs intervention, the board will involve the relevant senior officers in the organisation to resolve.

Ultimately the purpose of the SEND and AP Partnership Board is to ensure the lived experience of children and young people with SEND is improved, and that their needs are met through the effective delivery of Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and through the SEND support they receive.

When do the SEND and AP Partnership Board meetings take place?

Meetings take place in September, November, January, March, May and July.

Where can I find the SEND and AP Partnership Board's Terms of Reference?

SEND and Inclusion Partnership Board Terms of Reference (September 2023).